It's Good Friday, and frankly I don't know what's good about it since it is raining. I have noticed many of my daffodils are popping up all over the yard and I certainly didn't plant any. I wish it were that easy that flowers, trees, scrubs etc., just plant themselves.
We are going to my sister-in-laws for Easter. We didn't have Easter last year as she was away. She is always on some business trip. She does a lot of trade shows in NY, Chicago, Boston, Florida, and California. Not married so big advantage to the company that she works for. Hell, the lady never misses work either if with the problems she has. Bless her. Anyway, we haven't seen her since Christmas and we are only half hour away.
I am really itching to get up to Vermont at my summer place. So, we are planning on going over Memorial Weekend with some friends to open the camps up and put boats, docks and what ever else needs to be done. We also have to plan my Mother and her twin's sister's 80th Birthday party. Their Birthday is in May but since we can't get everyone together until July that is when we will do it and a lot of their friends will be in Vermont as well. Should be fun. So much is needed to be done over Memorial weekend because I am not going to do stuff the last second when I get up there in July.
All is well here. No raids at the house, no one getting arrested....Phew!
Happy Easter all....