Has anyone seen the latest Burger King commercial where the King is running on the football field. Just what on earth is Burger King trying to sell here? Burgers, Football or NIGHTMARES!
This is an actually NFL game. The King is running down the field past defenders to score a touchdown. The person that King replaced is San Francisco QB Steve Young.
Just what does the King have to do with football? Absolutely nothing! Here is the catch though, people talk about it, you remember it, and that is what Burger King wants. They represent how much of an idiot they are.

Sorry girls, Burger King and the Oatmeal guy have a thing going. Or, perhaps Burger King is bisexual and very greedy. LOL!
While I am at it with advertisements...guys this is right up your beer drinking alley.
There is a reason why middle aged women shouldn't go to Mardi Gras and drink.

LOL! Oatmeal guy looks very pleased with those buns!
OMG! I cannot imagine every painting myself like that.
Every time DH sees that commercial, he starts chanting "Go king! Go king!" ARGH! I hate it, but he's in love with the commericial.
Still not sure which picture is scarier...
Dreamz - OMG!! I know what you mean! Those commericals freak me out!
It's like seeing those costumes of those large ass heads at parades!!!
Glad i'm not the only one freaked out by them.
Peace & Hugs!
- Neo
oh lord. I HATE the king. He REALLY freaks me out. Something about his giant head and that weird grin on his face.
The Quaker Oats guy is actually Barbara Bush in drag.
Holy COW! THAT is hysterical. I mean that is way funny!
I think the King is looking to give nightmares, if you ask me. He's freaky looking.
Roger that...
I want to find a costume like that for halloween
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