It seems spring is somewhat here. I have noticed that my tulips are starting to come up. When I first moved here they weren't there but now they are and I certainly didn't plants them. I should gather them up and stick them in the front of the house as they are all over the yard. Of course my smart-ass husband said "Have you heard of the birds and the bee's?" "No, I think you need to teach me!" The yard is a mess from the last bit of snow we had in which we got 20" dumped here. Branches and crap all over the yard. Doesn't help that the dogs tramp through the mud either turning what grass I had upside down. Well, that is okay, since that part of the yard we are going to fence in and they can trash that all they want. I will leave the green thumb to my husband as I can kill a cactus. I swear I can...and, have.
For Toby: Your remark: You're daughter's husband sounds like a loser, even more so than me. I pay my own bills. Why do women love the losers? Better, how do the losers get hooked up with the good women? The answer to this riddle is that they are CON-Artist's. They spot the vulnerable, and the nice ones from good families with money. So, your far from being a loser if you hold a job and pay your debt to the society. And, that loser will be going to JAIL SOON! I try so hard to get my daughter to see the light of all this and get her to ask her self the question "Is this how I want to live? Is this a man that will provide for his family? Is this the man that will help provide a home? etc. If she can come up with some good answer's I am all ears. If not, while he is jail...drop him the divorce papers!
I went and got my son his ID card for his trip to Florida. This nitwit asked me to go get him some sedatives because he is having some anxiety attacks of flying. It is his first plane ride. Right, I am going to pump up my kid with some drug that will send him flying in which would probably do the opposite. LOL! I just told him to tell J to keep talking the whole flight or watch some movie or take his laptop. Then he says "Maybe, I should just smoke a blunt!" Dam kids.
My kids and I are very, very open. There isn't too much that they keep from me other than my son drinking but he really can't hide that either. We are so open that half of the time we never shut the bathroom door to pee to give you an idea. My parents were so closed about so much I didn't want this for my kids. I couldn't talk to my parents when I needed to and at times I still don't know how to talk to my mother. She is so intimidating, domineering, so set in her ways it is not worth getting in a spat with her. You just never win with her. So, it is like yes Mom, no Mom, whatever Mom, etc.
Anyway, not much else here to talk about. I am not sure if you know I also blog on Blogster but, here is a little creation I made today. Not like the house needs cleaning. Screw that!
I get an email from one of my blogger buddies wondering where I am and if I am okay. You know who you are and very kind of him to take the time to email me and ask in which prompt me to look at my blog to see when the last time I had blogged. My bad, it's been some two weeks ago.
So, what has been happening since then. Well, my son had his court day and had to plead guilty to interfering with a Police Officer and is on a year probation. If he should violate that he goes to jail for 3 months. The Prosecutor told them that he is from our home town also and that now that he has been arrested they will watch his every move since we are from a small town and they have nothing better to do but watch and wait until you screw up again just so they can hall his ass to jail. Within one day my son and his friend were walking through someplace with some girl and they get stopped and searched by the cop for what reasons my son has no idea. He also told me that the male cop searched the girl. He asks me if that was legal. I told him no and that he should have requested a female cop to do that and if the girl was smart she say something as he and his friend are witnesses to that.
I guess, with what happened to my son and what the Police were investigating was because there was a party in which a kid was drinking and popping pills and some kids took him over the border of the town and dumped him off and called the ambulance. Well, since everyone was a minor someone supplied the alcohol to these kids. I am sure he had to tell who it was. I just learned that they are watching this guy and the liquor store that these kids go to get their booze. Well, my son and his friend went down town to the teen center and my son's friend went over to the liquor store and my son stayed behind at the teen center. Well, a cop was watching and saw the guy supply the alcohol to my son's friend and busted the two. The kid was arrested along with my son from the previous charges and got the same sentence as my son. From what his mother said she will have to call a Lawyer and see if he can keep him out of jail and present to the Judge that he isn't a criminal but a kid who needs help with his drinking problem. Makes more sense to have it done this way. I gave my son a harsh lecture and told him that this was his best friend and he should have stopped him but knowing him they were going to drink this together. I said it could have been him.
Okay, what else. My daughter first try in getting pregnant didn't work. I am glad on that but she is going to the next step in having the procedures of having them extracting her eggs and taking his sperm and putting them in a dish and getting the eggs fertilized and then put the eggs back into her. I just sit there and smile at her and listen. I have done all my screaming at her at what I think about all this. In case some of you aren't aware of how I feel about my SNL ...he may be a nice person but he is on the top of the list of all ASSHOLES out there. Perhaps you may have seen his picture in the Dick-tionary!
Sometimes, when I write all this I wonder if some of you think that I come from trailer trash park. While I am not proud of some of the things that have been happening in my life such as these things in which are certainly not my doings and we basically had a normal...well, not normal but you know what I mean life. Seems that since my daughter married this IDIOT stupid ass shit has been happening and my husband and I have been trying so hard to let my daughter know how our lives have been so turned upside down because of her childish husband and we are trying so hard to figure out just what kind of hold he has on her that makes her not walk away when she knows he is making everything and everybody miserable.
I came from a high class family. While I am far from the classification of snobs. I married a man that came from a lower class family. Why? Because it is more natural to me that having to be viewed as a high class family. It's too much work to keep up to certain standards, its boring, its too snobby. LOL! It's just not me. We are middle class in my little town, with middle class problems just like everyone else. This town has nothing for the teens just like the town I use to live in. Do you know that the town I use to live in didn't even have a liquor store? Still doesn't. Trust me, I had my fair share of looking for trouble but smart enough not to get caught. And, there were a few times I got caught doing stupid ass shit and do you think my Daddy fixed everything? Nope. Lesson was, you created your problems, you fix it. While my family did not have that image of "Lets keep up with the Jones" far from that. My mother never dolled up. You would find her with dirt on her face from doing something. My parents hated going to the store and spending money. They loved to spend their money on Real-estate.
Okay, I think I have rambled on enough. Oh, and another reason for not blogging is the fact that my computer went AWOL and I had to reinstall everything. Bummer!
Our lovely dryer that we have had since we moved in this place of 10 years decided to go to dryer heaven. The death rattle was getting to us so we unplugged it this morning. May it rest in peace. Good news, another dryer is on it's way sometime today along with a new washing machine. The washing machine that we have now is getting up in age too so, we decided to unplug it's life support as well. Ah, many good years of clean clothes I shall always remember. We decided to get the new stackable washer and dryer so we have more room in the laundry room. I will be able to put a table in there so we can either fold clothes there or dump more crap on it. Let's see which way it goes...probably a dumping table. LOL!
I am feeling a little better and have noticed that certain foods really irritate my stomach. Hum, does this sound like an ulcer? I am not going to rule out that there could be something else wrong as it is only day 3 with this medication.
My husband sounds like shit with this nasty cough he has. He barks up my tree about going to the Dr. but can't take his own advice. I tell you he is a complainer lately. But, if I should say something he gets all bent out of shape. So, I just keep my mouth shut and muffle under my breath "cry me a river"
I cleaned off my computer desk this morning. Wow, I have a table! Give me until the end of the day and it will return to it's messy way.
Yesterday, we had gone out to order the new washer and dryer, stopped into the Vet's office to pick up more food for Max. By the way, his ear looks wonderful now. Now, to get him to stop itching but, I am suspecting that allergies of other things are getting to him as the weather is changing. I suppose this means that I need to give him allergy shots. What a riot to inject my own dog and I can't stand the site of needles. Anyway, we got home and put the big bag of dog food down by the bar area. Later, the dogs were down there but Max. Reyna, the bitch, always thinks everything belongs to her. Well, King, was walking by the bag of food and Reyna got all nasty and starts attacking King and the next thing we knew there was a big war with the two. No matter what we did the two went at it and then my husband got in between it...big mistake as one of them bit his thumb that I thought he should have had stitches but too much money he is thinking. I finally found a stick and as soon as I held that stick they ran. Gotta have one of those breaking sticks around.
Oh, while we were out I had stopped in the Town Hall as I had a question about my taxes that I would not have seen if I hadn't requested copies of what I had paid out. I went in and said that I had seen that there is a negative mark next to the amount of $1,256.00 what does this mean? She said we owe you that amount. I then, proceeded to say that when I worked in the tax office and when I spotted an over payment I gave the courtesy of tell the tax payer they over paid. Why can't this office do something like this? Apparently, it isn't their job. I tell you, what the hell am I paying all this money to the Town Employees if they can't work. I tell you I really like to rip them a new asshole. So, I have to go back to my mortgage company and ask them to call them and request the money, and then from there they will take it to the Finance Department and cut a check when they feel like it. So, I think I won't see this money for another month. That's okay, it's vacation money.

1. I will have a cup of coffee in the morning and read my newspaper like I used to, before the Internet.
2. I will eat breakfast with a knife and fork and not with one hand typing.
3. I will get dressed before noon.
4. I will make an attempt to clean the house, wash clothes, and plan dinner before even thinking of the Internet.
5. I will sit down and write a letter to those unfortunate few friends and family that are Internet-deprived.
6. I will call someone on the phone who I cannot contact via the Internet.
7. I will read a book... if I still remember how.
8. I will listen to those around me and their needs and stop telling them to turn the TV down so I can hear the music on the Internet.
9. I will not be tempted during TV commercials to check for email.
10. I will try and get out of the house at least once a week, if it is necessary or not.
11. I will remember that my bank is not forgiving if I forget to balance my checkbook because I was too busy on the Internet.
12. Last, but not least, I will remember that I must go to bed sometime... and the Internet will always be there tomorrow!
It looks as though Badman was asking if I was home, and yes it has been awhile since I last wrote. I suppose I have been busy and forgot to write my life adventures.
We went to court for my son's stupidity and waited for dam 5 hours. We wanted to see the Prosecutor but he was so busy with this one party of YO's (Youth Offender's) that he never saw anyone else. Not sure what those kids did but they sure took up our time. Must have been at least 10 of them. By the time we got to see the Judge it was 5:00 and we were the last ones. Of course, they tell us to come back March 10th with either our own Attorney or see the Prosecutor but to see him you have to come at the court at 10:00 but our case won't be until 2:00. The court here does all YO (Youth Offender's) in the afternoon.
My daughter has been wanting to get pregnant and has been seeing this Fertility Dr. I really don't need her to be pregnant now with this asshole husband of hers. He is a long story and I don't think you have time to hear it all. Anyway, I can't stop her as she is 24 and it's her life. So, she has had some testing done and they have come up with the fact she has eggs but they just release when they should is why she never has gotten pregnant. Good thing there. Now, she has taken this fertility drug to help release the egg and then they will do artificial insemination. Draw back...multiple births. More of a chance to have twins and less of having 3 or more but that isn't to say that it hasn't happened. She is nuts, I must be nuts listening to this but hey I am the Mom and have too.
I am adopted and always thank my lucky stars that I am when it comes to having kids. For the simple reason is that my adopted parents such as my Mom is a twin, my father's sisters are twins, my mother's brothers wife is a twin. On my husband side of the family triplets are known. Someone would have been pregnant with twins. I think it unusually skips generations and one of my kids would have been the ones with twins anyway. The odd thing about all this is that my Mom couldn't have kids but her twin could. My father side of the family one sister could have kids and the other could and same goes with my Mother's brothers wife. On my husband's side of the family his sister's couldn't carry girls. One sister had triplet girls...all died. Her son had triplets of 2 boys and 1 girl...she died. The boys in his family however, were able to have girls. It is why I have 17 Nephews and 17 Great-nephews. I only have 1 niece on my husband's side of the family.
Anyway, we got snow yesterday again. Not too bad compared to the last dumping of 20". Our weather it seems is a month behind in the last few years. Strange.