For Toby: Your remark: You're daughter's husband sounds like a loser, even more so than me. I pay my own bills. Why do women love the losers? Better, how do the losers get hooked up with the good women? The answer to this riddle is that they are CON-Artist's. They spot the vulnerable, and the nice ones from good families with money. So, your far from being a loser if you hold a job and pay your debt to the society. And, that loser will be going to JAIL SOON! I try so hard to get my daughter to see the light of all this and get her to ask her self the question "Is this how I want to live? Is this a man that will provide for his family? Is this the man that will help provide a home? etc. If she can come up with some good answer's I am all ears. If not, while he is jail...drop him the divorce papers!
I went and got my son his ID card for his trip to Florida. This nitwit asked me to go get him some sedatives because he is having some anxiety attacks of flying. It is his first plane ride. Right, I am going to pump up my kid with some drug that will send him flying in which would probably do the opposite. LOL! I just told him to tell J to keep talking the whole flight or watch some movie or take his laptop. Then he says "Maybe, I should just smoke a blunt!" Dam kids.
My kids and I are very, very open. There isn't too much that they keep from me other than my son drinking but he really can't hide that either. We are so open that half of the time we never shut the bathroom door to pee to give you an idea. My parents were so closed about so much I didn't want this for my kids. I couldn't talk to my parents when I needed to and at times I still don't know how to talk to my mother. She is so intimidating, domineering, so set in her ways it is not worth getting in a spat with her. You just never win with her. So, it is like yes Mom, no Mom, whatever Mom, etc.
Anyway, not much else here to talk about. I am not sure if you know I also blog on Blogster but, here is a little creation I made today. Not like the house needs cleaning. Screw that!

I love tulips- they are my fav flower and one of the best things about Spring!
Have fun in FL.
That is cool. I like the top part of the page also. Have a Great weekend. :)
Nice new look. It's so much easier to read. And it isn't only the damn kids who like to fire up the blunt now and again. Not me of course. :)
I hope you're treating Florida well.
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