I like waking up to nice cool and crisp mornings. The thermometer read 58 degrees in here. Of course my husband is like "It's dam cold" "No, I don't think so" I tell him and he knows I love this type of weather. I probably can survive being in Alaska. The only thing I do not like about fall is that my allergies are the worse at this time. A time I like to enjoy but them darn ragweeds and what ever else is driving my sinus up the wall.
I wonder what it looks like at my camp in Vermont. I bet it is starting to look really nice. I have noticed here, in CT that some of the leaves are changing however, I noticed that the leaves are dropping before changing. Makes me wonder just what kind of winter we will have. Last winter was so dam cold. Too cold that it just didn't really snow. I love snow, but I do not like driving in it. I am probably the worst driver only because I panic too easily so, it is best that someone like me stays the hell off the road. One winter, we had so much black ice it was so dam scary. One time, I had my son with me and we were heading down a hill and the road got icy with in seconds. Kind of reminds me of the movie The Day After. There I was stuck on this hill and did a complete 360 degree spin and narrowly missed a stone wall. I think my heart jumped out of my body and hung out on the side of the road waiting for me to get a grip of myself. The next day and the day after that I was too scared to get in my car. It is one thing to do a turn like that when nothing is in your path but I had everything in my path. A stone wall, a car, my son in the car, a tree, and a million other things and not one dam scratch on the car. It is funny how you can instantly react in a certain way under these kind of conditions. Mind over matter!
So, this brings to the question of just what kind of winter we shall have here. I know that I am freaking out over the oil prices for one. I guess I need to look at the Farmers Almanac to see what they say.
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