This is King - A Brindle - He is so gentle! People
love him as he greets you with love and excitement.
Reyna - Female - She is my
aggressive one.
Keyla aka Boon Koon - This
is King's daughter.
Max - Yellow Lab/Golden Ret.
He is our first dog.
I have 4 dogs - 3 of them are Pitt Bulls. Now before you start gawking about Pitts they are just like any other dog that can be mean and it is how you treat them. My dogs are spoiled rotten babies. I am a major animal lover and I will not tolerate a mean dog so, I bring them up with so much love that they know how to give it back. Yes, a dog can get mean and turn on anyone if treated wrong. I just don't believe a dog will attack anyone unless they are provoked in some way. Now, I have one dog that doesn't like hats for some reason and anyone that comes in my home has to remove their hat and then she is fine. She is a female and females are more aggressive than the males. Reyna, that is her name is put into a cage any time a new person comes into my home because people tend to be afraid of her and for our protection. The other dogs are more willing to let a darn robber in the house and fix them dinner.
Last year, King was hit by a car right before Christmas. We were so devastated yet, he lived. He sustained $4,000 damages done to his leg that he has a metal rod. He limps, but this doesn't stop him from running, jumping, and catching balls or frizbees. He is a whinny dog and cries all the time. I never met a cray baby until he came into the family. I have learned Pitt Bulls are like that and they can not stand being separated from family members. The love people, the are comical animals. If you read about them to understand them you will find that they are the most lovable dog, and very loyal dog right next to the Labs and Golden Ret. We gave up our Christmas pretty much to pay for the surgery he had to go through and being at the Vet for most of the week. Had the top Vet surgeon in the state fix our boy up.
You can see Boon Koon as I call her is our newest addition. She was born the day her daddy was having surgery. She is a Christmas doggie. She is a complete riot to watch along with the rest of them. The three of them as they are pack dogs stick together and of course have their moments of spats like we do and I have to give them my evil eye and they stop.
Reyna, as I said she is my aggressive one. She is Boon Koon's half sister. They are just a year apart. Reyna is a Thanksgiving Dog. Oh King is a 4th of July dog. And, my Max is a Thanksgiving dog as well.
Do they get along? For the most part but we keep Max and King separated as we have seen some hairy fights between the two. Who comes out the winner most of the time? Max, the Lab. Surprised? You would think it be the Pitt Bull. Well, there are several kinds of Pitts. King and Boon Koon are not red nose Pitts as one would call them. They tend to be calmer or at least I think so. Reyna is a red nose Pitt, the more aggressive of the breed. Reyna if she were to chop down on you she will lock her jaws and will not let go. For the other two they won't. Reyna can't jump while King and Boon can. Reyna is built bigger and stronger looking of the two. This is why we have signs all around our property and cage her when needed. We also have breaking sticks in varies corners of the rooms should a fight break out.
Will my house ever be robbed? Probably not, as every one that knocks on the door are already freaking out from hearing 4 different barks.
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Denise your going to get them anyway.
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