This Town Sucks:
Our town has these stupid signs, flyers, banners, etc., all over town that says "My Town Name. Tell us what you think? Huh. Okay, I think I will and I go to the web site. They ask all these dumb questions about the library that they just built but they can't fix the dam High School. Okay, so I start taking the survey yet it is totally boring me half to death. I want to tell them what I think but there really isn't any place to do so.
Do not get me wrong about my town. I love this town but they just have inadequate things or events to do. I pay too much money on taxes for what? A huge ass library that I do not think that all the books they own will fill up the space and yet, they can't fix the High School or have more activities.
So, I can either sit here and bitch to you about it in which will do you no darn good because you don't live here or, I can voice my opinion and blab to anyone that is standing next to me in line what I think of the town. In fact, while I was at the gas station today I started voicing my opinion to the cashier. There that is a start.
How else can I voice what I think. Ah, perhaps a nice little letter to the Town paper. I think that would get printed. Not going to put my name in there as I probably would get the news crew here. Bad enough that I have the cops here almost on a daily base. Oh by the way, I get a phone call from the Police and ask if I want to support our local Police. As a matter of fact son's friend's Mom got one and we both laughed at them. Ya, we are supporting you and keeping you busy for sure. Hell, didn't you have fun at my house January 7th during that raid? And, don't our son's enjoy being harassed and arrested by you for stupid idiotic things. You got my support all right!
Anyway, the biggest beef I have with this town is the lack of activities for the teens. Oh sure, there is a teen center but they don't do anything for the teens. So, what else is there to do but stupid shit to get them arrested. And, no, the Police haven't been here in the last couple of weeks. Phew!
What is my plan? I have had this dream for several years now and I think it is a pretty good dam idea as this idea is popping up all over the place now. I told the cashier what this town needs is an Under 21 Night Club. My catch is this. The teens have to be a part of the night club. That means they would learn every aspect of how to run a business. Good education there. They have to come up with their own entertainment and get people to have bands there or perhaps have skits, poem night etc. There are people learning how to cook perhaps and make simple appetizers etc. They can have teens that can be bouncers to keep things in control. You get the idea? Most of all have a few adults there to help out should any problems or questions come up and the parents be involved.
How would one propose this to the town? Anyone have any ideas?
Lots Of News
It has been a while since I have blogged here. I noticed that I haven't blogged since Easter. Just terrible I know.
Well, since then my son-in-law has been sentenced to 5 years in prison but he is going to be fighting that since his Lawyer didn't do a good job at keeping the sentence down to at least 2-3 years. He is at a maximum security prison. Not like the guy murdered someone but has a cell mate that spent 8 years in prison and the day he got out he went and shot the person that put him there and is right back in prison. Lucky the person lived and he only got 5 years. Tell me, what is wrong with this picture? My son-in-law was in a car with two other guys that had drugs in the car and both admitted that the drugs were theirs and he was clean. One guy got prison and the other didn't. What is wrong with that picture? Anyway, so he is fighting that.
The cops in my town are being assholes and harassing my son and his friend. They are just waiting for them to screw up. Well, my son's friend has indeed been arrested several times on really stupid stuff. You know how kids get into fights? Most just take it and that's that. Not this one kid. Then, my son and his friend went swimming and they were about to get in the car when 3 huge guys just beat the crap out of his friend and one told my son to shut up and stay out or they get him. Well, there were many witnesses around to prove that the 3 guys started the fight but they knew they were in trouble and went to the Police and told this big lie and of course they came after my son's friend. They did all this investigation and learned that those guys started it.
My biggest blow since I last blogged was the death of my brother. I had gone up to Vermont to open up our summer house that we share. I haven't talked to my brother since a big family blow out about 4 years ago. See, my brother has been a teen drug and alcoholic and been in and out of rehabilitation for the last 4 years. He ran from Florida last July and drove up to Vermont only to have gotten arrested for drinking and driving. His son got him out. Big mistake there. Within two months he was caught driving his car in which he isn't allowed to drive for the rest of his life. I have no idea why he was put in the slammer but a con he is bullshitted his way and told the court he will enter rehab. Little did they know he just left one in Florida. I think he was to go in the program for awhile and then had to go to jail. I am not sure for how long but I think it was for 3.5 years.
Anyway, he comes to the cottage after I do and of course brings two friends since he needed someone to drive him over there. Tells my mother they are recovering fuckups and they all found God. She feeds them all and then he goes back to the cottage. Up all night drinking and doing who knows what. Apparently, they told my Mother that they will go to church with her. She drives to the cottage and honks the horn. One guy comes out and says he is still sleeping. Mom goes to church with out them. She comes home and goes about her business. Around 2:00 PM these guys come down to my Mother's house and says we can't wake up Jeff. Mom looks at them like "What do you mean you can't wake him?" and gets up and goes to the cottage and stands in the doorway and knows without even touching him he is dead.
We learned that on May 30th he prescribed Dilaudid and Valium to him. What was this Doctor thinking after having read on what Dilaudid was used for. My brother didn't have the following that is described below. Accordinly to the Medical Examiner.
Dilaudid, a narcotic analgesic, is prescribed for the relief of moderate to severe pain such as that due to:
Biliary colic (pain caused by an obstruction in the gallbladder or bile duct)
Heart attack
Injury (soft tissue and bone)
Renal colic (sharp lower back and groin pain usually caused by the passage of a stone through the ureter)
We still are waiting for the Autopsy report and I want to know the time of death especially because I have this strange feeling about my brother's death. My brother was too much of a chicken to kill himself. Now, I understand that he could have just gotten up and wanted to get high and overdosed himself. There is something so wrong with this picture as one of the guys called my Mother the next day saying something like my brother stole some drugs from this guy and "He was done wrong" should we call the Police?" My younger brother was listening on another phone when he heard this. These guys are nervous about something. So until we get that report I or my brother's son can't do anything.
What else...went to Vermont over the July 4th weekend. We had a big party for my Mother and Aunt (twins) for their 80th Birthday.
Happy Easter

It's Good Friday, and frankly I don't know what's good about it since it is raining. I have noticed many of my daffodils are popping up all over the yard and I certainly didn't plant any. I wish it were that easy that flowers, trees, scrubs etc., just plant themselves.
We are going to my sister-in-laws for Easter. We didn't have Easter last year as she was away. She is always on some business trip. She does a lot of trade shows in NY, Chicago, Boston, Florida, and California. Not married so big advantage to the company that she works for. Hell, the lady never misses work either if with the problems she has. Bless her. Anyway, we haven't seen her since Christmas and we are only half hour away.
I am really itching to get up to Vermont at my summer place. So, we are planning on going over Memorial Weekend with some friends to open the camps up and put boats, docks and what ever else needs to be done. We also have to plan my Mother and her twin's sister's 80th Birthday party. Their Birthday is in May but since we can't get everyone together until July that is when we will do it and a lot of their friends will be in Vermont as well. Should be fun. So much is needed to be done over Memorial weekend because I am not going to do stuff the last second when I get up there in July.
All is well here. No raids at the house, no one getting arrested....Phew!
Happy Easter all....
This Blog Need Life....

I seriously need to fix this blog up. It looks awful but really don't have the will to do it. Maybe I should pay someone to do it for me. Notice that picture on the front of the blog? Yup, I did that. Taking a PSP (Paint Shop Pro) class and let me tell you this stuff isn't easy to remember to do. But, you have to keep doing it and doing it to get the hang of it. All the lessons are in Dutch but translated into English and there are like 25 steps to go before you move up into another class. The photo on the top of blog is Lesson 2. I am going on lesson 4. I had a wee bit trouble with 3 in which you see. All in all, this is fun and so addictive. Now, who is going to redo my blog for me?
Nothing New...
It seems spring is somewhat here. I have noticed that my tulips are starting to come up. When I first moved here they weren't there but now they are and I certainly didn't plants them. I should gather them up and stick them in the front of the house as they are all over the yard. Of course my smart-ass husband said "Have you heard of the birds and the bee's?" "No, I think you need to teach me!" The yard is a mess from the last bit of snow we had in which we got 20" dumped here. Branches and crap all over the yard. Doesn't help that the dogs tramp through the mud either turning what grass I had upside down. Well, that is okay, since that part of the yard we are going to fence in and they can trash that all they want. I will leave the green thumb to my husband as I can kill a cactus. I swear I can...and, have.
For Toby: Your remark: You're daughter's husband sounds like a loser, even more so than me. I pay my own bills. Why do women love the losers? Better, how do the losers get hooked up with the good women? The answer to this riddle is that they are CON-Artist's. They spot the vulnerable, and the nice ones from good families with money. So, your far from being a loser if you hold a job and pay your debt to the society. And, that loser will be going to JAIL SOON! I try so hard to get my daughter to see the light of all this and get her to ask her self the question "Is this how I want to live? Is this a man that will provide for his family? Is this the man that will help provide a home? etc. If she can come up with some good answer's I am all ears. If not, while he is jail...drop him the divorce papers!
I went and got my son his ID card for his trip to Florida. This nitwit asked me to go get him some sedatives because he is having some anxiety attacks of flying. It is his first plane ride. Right, I am going to pump up my kid with some drug that will send him flying in which would probably do the opposite. LOL! I just told him to tell J to keep talking the whole flight or watch some movie or take his laptop. Then he says "Maybe, I should just smoke a blunt!" Dam kids.
My kids and I are very, very open. There isn't too much that they keep from me other than my son drinking but he really can't hide that either. We are so open that half of the time we never shut the bathroom door to pee to give you an idea. My parents were so closed about so much I didn't want this for my kids. I couldn't talk to my parents when I needed to and at times I still don't know how to talk to my mother. She is so intimidating, domineering, so set in her ways it is not worth getting in a spat with her. You just never win with her. So, it is like yes Mom, no Mom, whatever Mom, etc.
Anyway, not much else here to talk about. I am not sure if you know I also blog on Blogster but, here is a little creation I made today. Not like the house needs cleaning. Screw that!
For Toby: Your remark: You're daughter's husband sounds like a loser, even more so than me. I pay my own bills. Why do women love the losers? Better, how do the losers get hooked up with the good women? The answer to this riddle is that they are CON-Artist's. They spot the vulnerable, and the nice ones from good families with money. So, your far from being a loser if you hold a job and pay your debt to the society. And, that loser will be going to JAIL SOON! I try so hard to get my daughter to see the light of all this and get her to ask her self the question "Is this how I want to live? Is this a man that will provide for his family? Is this the man that will help provide a home? etc. If she can come up with some good answer's I am all ears. If not, while he is jail...drop him the divorce papers!
I went and got my son his ID card for his trip to Florida. This nitwit asked me to go get him some sedatives because he is having some anxiety attacks of flying. It is his first plane ride. Right, I am going to pump up my kid with some drug that will send him flying in which would probably do the opposite. LOL! I just told him to tell J to keep talking the whole flight or watch some movie or take his laptop. Then he says "Maybe, I should just smoke a blunt!" Dam kids.
My kids and I are very, very open. There isn't too much that they keep from me other than my son drinking but he really can't hide that either. We are so open that half of the time we never shut the bathroom door to pee to give you an idea. My parents were so closed about so much I didn't want this for my kids. I couldn't talk to my parents when I needed to and at times I still don't know how to talk to my mother. She is so intimidating, domineering, so set in her ways it is not worth getting in a spat with her. You just never win with her. So, it is like yes Mom, no Mom, whatever Mom, etc.
Anyway, not much else here to talk about. I am not sure if you know I also blog on Blogster but, here is a little creation I made today. Not like the house needs cleaning. Screw that!

I Am Here...
I get an email from one of my blogger buddies wondering where I am and if I am okay. You know who you are and very kind of him to take the time to email me and ask in which prompt me to look at my blog to see when the last time I had blogged. My bad, it's been some two weeks ago.
So, what has been happening since then. Well, my son had his court day and had to plead guilty to interfering with a Police Officer and is on a year probation. If he should violate that he goes to jail for 3 months. The Prosecutor told them that he is from our home town also and that now that he has been arrested they will watch his every move since we are from a small town and they have nothing better to do but watch and wait until you screw up again just so they can hall his ass to jail. Within one day my son and his friend were walking through someplace with some girl and they get stopped and searched by the cop for what reasons my son has no idea. He also told me that the male cop searched the girl. He asks me if that was legal. I told him no and that he should have requested a female cop to do that and if the girl was smart she say something as he and his friend are witnesses to that.
I guess, with what happened to my son and what the Police were investigating was because there was a party in which a kid was drinking and popping pills and some kids took him over the border of the town and dumped him off and called the ambulance. Well, since everyone was a minor someone supplied the alcohol to these kids. I am sure he had to tell who it was. I just learned that they are watching this guy and the liquor store that these kids go to get their booze. Well, my son and his friend went down town to the teen center and my son's friend went over to the liquor store and my son stayed behind at the teen center. Well, a cop was watching and saw the guy supply the alcohol to my son's friend and busted the two. The kid was arrested along with my son from the previous charges and got the same sentence as my son. From what his mother said she will have to call a Lawyer and see if he can keep him out of jail and present to the Judge that he isn't a criminal but a kid who needs help with his drinking problem. Makes more sense to have it done this way. I gave my son a harsh lecture and told him that this was his best friend and he should have stopped him but knowing him they were going to drink this together. I said it could have been him.
Okay, what else. My daughter first try in getting pregnant didn't work. I am glad on that but she is going to the next step in having the procedures of having them extracting her eggs and taking his sperm and putting them in a dish and getting the eggs fertilized and then put the eggs back into her. I just sit there and smile at her and listen. I have done all my screaming at her at what I think about all this. In case some of you aren't aware of how I feel about my SNL ...he may be a nice person but he is on the top of the list of all ASSHOLES out there. Perhaps you may have seen his picture in the Dick-tionary!
Sometimes, when I write all this I wonder if some of you think that I come from trailer trash park. While I am not proud of some of the things that have been happening in my life such as these things in which are certainly not my doings and we basically had a normal...well, not normal but you know what I mean life. Seems that since my daughter married this IDIOT stupid ass shit has been happening and my husband and I have been trying so hard to let my daughter know how our lives have been so turned upside down because of her childish husband and we are trying so hard to figure out just what kind of hold he has on her that makes her not walk away when she knows he is making everything and everybody miserable.
I came from a high class family. While I am far from the classification of snobs. I married a man that came from a lower class family. Why? Because it is more natural to me that having to be viewed as a high class family. It's too much work to keep up to certain standards, its boring, its too snobby. LOL! It's just not me. We are middle class in my little town, with middle class problems just like everyone else. This town has nothing for the teens just like the town I use to live in. Do you know that the town I use to live in didn't even have a liquor store? Still doesn't. Trust me, I had my fair share of looking for trouble but smart enough not to get caught. And, there were a few times I got caught doing stupid ass shit and do you think my Daddy fixed everything? Nope. Lesson was, you created your problems, you fix it. While my family did not have that image of "Lets keep up with the Jones" far from that. My mother never dolled up. You would find her with dirt on her face from doing something. My parents hated going to the store and spending money. They loved to spend their money on Real-estate.
Okay, I think I have rambled on enough. Oh, and another reason for not blogging is the fact that my computer went AWOL and I had to reinstall everything. Bummer!
So, what has been happening since then. Well, my son had his court day and had to plead guilty to interfering with a Police Officer and is on a year probation. If he should violate that he goes to jail for 3 months. The Prosecutor told them that he is from our home town also and that now that he has been arrested they will watch his every move since we are from a small town and they have nothing better to do but watch and wait until you screw up again just so they can hall his ass to jail. Within one day my son and his friend were walking through someplace with some girl and they get stopped and searched by the cop for what reasons my son has no idea. He also told me that the male cop searched the girl. He asks me if that was legal. I told him no and that he should have requested a female cop to do that and if the girl was smart she say something as he and his friend are witnesses to that.
I guess, with what happened to my son and what the Police were investigating was because there was a party in which a kid was drinking and popping pills and some kids took him over the border of the town and dumped him off and called the ambulance. Well, since everyone was a minor someone supplied the alcohol to these kids. I am sure he had to tell who it was. I just learned that they are watching this guy and the liquor store that these kids go to get their booze. Well, my son and his friend went down town to the teen center and my son's friend went over to the liquor store and my son stayed behind at the teen center. Well, a cop was watching and saw the guy supply the alcohol to my son's friend and busted the two. The kid was arrested along with my son from the previous charges and got the same sentence as my son. From what his mother said she will have to call a Lawyer and see if he can keep him out of jail and present to the Judge that he isn't a criminal but a kid who needs help with his drinking problem. Makes more sense to have it done this way. I gave my son a harsh lecture and told him that this was his best friend and he should have stopped him but knowing him they were going to drink this together. I said it could have been him.
Okay, what else. My daughter first try in getting pregnant didn't work. I am glad on that but she is going to the next step in having the procedures of having them extracting her eggs and taking his sperm and putting them in a dish and getting the eggs fertilized and then put the eggs back into her. I just sit there and smile at her and listen. I have done all my screaming at her at what I think about all this. In case some of you aren't aware of how I feel about my SNL ...he may be a nice person but he is on the top of the list of all ASSHOLES out there. Perhaps you may have seen his picture in the Dick-tionary!
Sometimes, when I write all this I wonder if some of you think that I come from trailer trash park. While I am not proud of some of the things that have been happening in my life such as these things in which are certainly not my doings and we basically had a normal...well, not normal but you know what I mean life. Seems that since my daughter married this IDIOT stupid ass shit has been happening and my husband and I have been trying so hard to let my daughter know how our lives have been so turned upside down because of her childish husband and we are trying so hard to figure out just what kind of hold he has on her that makes her not walk away when she knows he is making everything and everybody miserable.
I came from a high class family. While I am far from the classification of snobs. I married a man that came from a lower class family. Why? Because it is more natural to me that having to be viewed as a high class family. It's too much work to keep up to certain standards, its boring, its too snobby. LOL! It's just not me. We are middle class in my little town, with middle class problems just like everyone else. This town has nothing for the teens just like the town I use to live in. Do you know that the town I use to live in didn't even have a liquor store? Still doesn't. Trust me, I had my fair share of looking for trouble but smart enough not to get caught. And, there were a few times I got caught doing stupid ass shit and do you think my Daddy fixed everything? Nope. Lesson was, you created your problems, you fix it. While my family did not have that image of "Lets keep up with the Jones" far from that. My mother never dolled up. You would find her with dirt on her face from doing something. My parents hated going to the store and spending money. They loved to spend their money on Real-estate.
Okay, I think I have rambled on enough. Oh, and another reason for not blogging is the fact that my computer went AWOL and I had to reinstall everything. Bummer!
My Daily Garbage....
Our lovely dryer that we have had since we moved in this place of 10 years decided to go to dryer heaven. The death rattle was getting to us so we unplugged it this morning. May it rest in peace. Good news, another dryer is on it's way sometime today along with a new washing machine. The washing machine that we have now is getting up in age too so, we decided to unplug it's life support as well. Ah, many good years of clean clothes I shall always remember. We decided to get the new stackable washer and dryer so we have more room in the laundry room. I will be able to put a table in there so we can either fold clothes there or dump more crap on it. Let's see which way it goes...probably a dumping table. LOL!
I am feeling a little better and have noticed that certain foods really irritate my stomach. Hum, does this sound like an ulcer? I am not going to rule out that there could be something else wrong as it is only day 3 with this medication.
My husband sounds like shit with this nasty cough he has. He barks up my tree about going to the Dr. but can't take his own advice. I tell you he is a complainer lately. But, if I should say something he gets all bent out of shape. So, I just keep my mouth shut and muffle under my breath "cry me a river"
I cleaned off my computer desk this morning. Wow, I have a table! Give me until the end of the day and it will return to it's messy way.
Yesterday, we had gone out to order the new washer and dryer, stopped into the Vet's office to pick up more food for Max. By the way, his ear looks wonderful now. Now, to get him to stop itching but, I am suspecting that allergies of other things are getting to him as the weather is changing. I suppose this means that I need to give him allergy shots. What a riot to inject my own dog and I can't stand the site of needles. Anyway, we got home and put the big bag of dog food down by the bar area. Later, the dogs were down there but Max. Reyna, the bitch, always thinks everything belongs to her. Well, King, was walking by the bag of food and Reyna got all nasty and starts attacking King and the next thing we knew there was a big war with the two. No matter what we did the two went at it and then my husband got in between it...big mistake as one of them bit his thumb that I thought he should have had stitches but too much money he is thinking. I finally found a stick and as soon as I held that stick they ran. Gotta have one of those breaking sticks around.
Oh, while we were out I had stopped in the Town Hall as I had a question about my taxes that I would not have seen if I hadn't requested copies of what I had paid out. I went in and said that I had seen that there is a negative mark next to the amount of $1,256.00 what does this mean? She said we owe you that amount. I then, proceeded to say that when I worked in the tax office and when I spotted an over payment I gave the courtesy of tell the tax payer they over paid. Why can't this office do something like this? Apparently, it isn't their job. I tell you, what the hell am I paying all this money to the Town Employees if they can't work. I tell you I really like to rip them a new asshole. So, I have to go back to my mortgage company and ask them to call them and request the money, and then from there they will take it to the Finance Department and cut a check when they feel like it. So, I think I won't see this money for another month. That's okay, it's vacation money.
I am feeling a little better and have noticed that certain foods really irritate my stomach. Hum, does this sound like an ulcer? I am not going to rule out that there could be something else wrong as it is only day 3 with this medication.
My husband sounds like shit with this nasty cough he has. He barks up my tree about going to the Dr. but can't take his own advice. I tell you he is a complainer lately. But, if I should say something he gets all bent out of shape. So, I just keep my mouth shut and muffle under my breath "cry me a river"
I cleaned off my computer desk this morning. Wow, I have a table! Give me until the end of the day and it will return to it's messy way.
Yesterday, we had gone out to order the new washer and dryer, stopped into the Vet's office to pick up more food for Max. By the way, his ear looks wonderful now. Now, to get him to stop itching but, I am suspecting that allergies of other things are getting to him as the weather is changing. I suppose this means that I need to give him allergy shots. What a riot to inject my own dog and I can't stand the site of needles. Anyway, we got home and put the big bag of dog food down by the bar area. Later, the dogs were down there but Max. Reyna, the bitch, always thinks everything belongs to her. Well, King, was walking by the bag of food and Reyna got all nasty and starts attacking King and the next thing we knew there was a big war with the two. No matter what we did the two went at it and then my husband got in between it...big mistake as one of them bit his thumb that I thought he should have had stitches but too much money he is thinking. I finally found a stick and as soon as I held that stick they ran. Gotta have one of those breaking sticks around.
Oh, while we were out I had stopped in the Town Hall as I had a question about my taxes that I would not have seen if I hadn't requested copies of what I had paid out. I went in and said that I had seen that there is a negative mark next to the amount of $1,256.00 what does this mean? She said we owe you that amount. I then, proceeded to say that when I worked in the tax office and when I spotted an over payment I gave the courtesy of tell the tax payer they over paid. Why can't this office do something like this? Apparently, it isn't their job. I tell you, what the hell am I paying all this money to the Town Employees if they can't work. I tell you I really like to rip them a new asshole. So, I have to go back to my mortgage company and ask them to call them and request the money, and then from there they will take it to the Finance Department and cut a check when they feel like it. So, I think I won't see this money for another month. That's okay, it's vacation money.
12 Step Internet Recovery Program

1. I will have a cup of coffee in the morning and read my newspaper like I used to, before the Internet.
2. I will eat breakfast with a knife and fork and not with one hand typing.
3. I will get dressed before noon.
4. I will make an attempt to clean the house, wash clothes, and plan dinner before even thinking of the Internet.
5. I will sit down and write a letter to those unfortunate few friends and family that are Internet-deprived.
6. I will call someone on the phone who I cannot contact via the Internet.
7. I will read a book... if I still remember how.
8. I will listen to those around me and their needs and stop telling them to turn the TV down so I can hear the music on the Internet.
9. I will not be tempted during TV commercials to check for email.
10. I will try and get out of the house at least once a week, if it is necessary or not.
11. I will remember that my bank is not forgiving if I forget to balance my checkbook because I was too busy on the Internet.
12. Last, but not least, I will remember that I must go to bed sometime... and the Internet will always be there tomorrow!
Yes, I am Here...

It looks as though Badman was asking if I was home, and yes it has been awhile since I last wrote. I suppose I have been busy and forgot to write my life adventures.
We went to court for my son's stupidity and waited for dam 5 hours. We wanted to see the Prosecutor but he was so busy with this one party of YO's (Youth Offender's) that he never saw anyone else. Not sure what those kids did but they sure took up our time. Must have been at least 10 of them. By the time we got to see the Judge it was 5:00 and we were the last ones. Of course, they tell us to come back March 10th with either our own Attorney or see the Prosecutor but to see him you have to come at the court at 10:00 but our case won't be until 2:00. The court here does all YO (Youth Offender's) in the afternoon.
My daughter has been wanting to get pregnant and has been seeing this Fertility Dr. I really don't need her to be pregnant now with this asshole husband of hers. He is a long story and I don't think you have time to hear it all. Anyway, I can't stop her as she is 24 and it's her life. So, she has had some testing done and they have come up with the fact she has eggs but they just release when they should is why she never has gotten pregnant. Good thing there. Now, she has taken this fertility drug to help release the egg and then they will do artificial insemination. Draw back...multiple births. More of a chance to have twins and less of having 3 or more but that isn't to say that it hasn't happened. She is nuts, I must be nuts listening to this but hey I am the Mom and have too.
I am adopted and always thank my lucky stars that I am when it comes to having kids. For the simple reason is that my adopted parents such as my Mom is a twin, my father's sisters are twins, my mother's brothers wife is a twin. On my husband side of the family triplets are known. Someone would have been pregnant with twins. I think it unusually skips generations and one of my kids would have been the ones with twins anyway. The odd thing about all this is that my Mom couldn't have kids but her twin could. My father side of the family one sister could have kids and the other could and same goes with my Mother's brothers wife. On my husband's side of the family his sister's couldn't carry girls. One sister had triplet girls...all died. Her son had triplets of 2 boys and 1 girl...she died. The boys in his family however, were able to have girls. It is why I have 17 Nephews and 17 Great-nephews. I only have 1 niece on my husband's side of the family.
Anyway, we got snow yesterday again. Not too bad compared to the last dumping of 20". Our weather it seems is a month behind in the last few years. Strange.
Writing How-To-Do Articles

Since I am learning PSP, and I do a lot of crafts, a lot of my work will be craft related. This is a gable box that I made. If you want to use it this is fine, and you need to print out two of them and put the box together.You may need to resize to fit regual size paper (11 x 8.5). Best to use cardstock paper, and white of course.
I had bought PSP (Paint Shop Pro) for myself for my Birthday last month. No, I cannot send my husband out to get any computer stuff for me. This guy has no idea how to turn on the computer, let alone send him to a computer store? If I told him to pick up a mouse for me he come back with a live one. Get the point here? I tried to teach him the basic but, I just didn't have the patience's with him. If he had some computer skills it be a different story but, he has zilch. He only uses a special computer to program in codes that he needs to at his job. It is totally different from the usual desk top or laptop. It involves with Pools and Spa's. Nevertheless, he still isn't computer savvy whatsoever.
Anyway, I am drifting off from my topic here. Well, I belong to several Yahoo Groups to help me learn this PSP stuff. Well, it was obvious that some of what goes on these groups really don't teach you much and I had to seek other ways of learning this stuff. Even though, I had gotten a big fat book along with the program I be still sitting here trying to figure out this stuff. So off to Google to help me. I came across zillions of sites that give tutorials on how to do certain things. Perfect. Some of the sites that I had gone to would tell you to do this and that but failed to tell you where to go to do this and that and would use terms with no explaining about them. I had to weed out sites that explained things clearly. If one is to right these tutorials they should write assuming the person has no idea about PSP. Not always the case. I did however, find some good sites that explained things thoroughly.
Now that I have some basics of how this darn thing works I am getting addicted to it. I have lots to learn and from the little basic stuff I have learned I am bored with that part and want to learn animation now. Back to Google for some tutorials and hopefully I can get some good sites that teach this properly.
If anyone plans on writing out any HOW-TO-Do articles, bear in mind, you should always assume a beginner is going to read your tutorials so, write your article as if you were just learning yourself.
By the way, notice the background on this blog? Yup, I made that with PSP.
Can You Survive?
Take this simple test to see if you would survive under this circumstances. Not knowing can cost your life. There are 17 questions and I only answered 10 right. It says that I am alive but hurt because I didn't know.
Survival Test
Survival Test
Books Not To Read To Children
The Cops Just Love Us....
My son had gone to a party tonight. I had asked him flat out if there were going to be parents. He was honest and said no and I said no good not going as anything could happen will happen. It is only a few friends he said. I said Ya, and some where along the line someone has a blabber mouth and it becomes bigger. So, he goes out any way with his friend Jason.
At 9:00 I get this phone call from him to pick him up at the Police Station. At first, I was like stop fooling around. He is foul mouthing me and says he isn't kidding around. The officer got on the line. Says that there was a party but he wasn't at this one. He and his friend were walking and there were about 6 police cars at this house. A police officer stopped them and wanted to talk to them that is all. What did my son do and Jason? They take off. Guilty, guilty and guilty. If you don't have anything to hid I tell my son then why run and then when they catch you, you then resisted an arrest. He bitched about how ruff they were and how they hurt him. Told him that is what you get for running. Now, if you were smart you could have stood there and allowed the cop talk and ask a few questions and all this shit wouldn't have happened. So what happened. Apparently, some kid got drunk and passed out and so a bunch of kids put him in a car, drove him to the next town and left him on the side of the road and then called an ambulance. The cops in the next town traced the kid back to our town to a certain party. If he had been inside he would have been in more trouble but he was outside walking by and being obnoxious and running from them. I had explained to him that all he had to do was answer a few questions for them to help them with the investigation and then off you could have went but no, he had to be stupid.
They brought him down to the station and he said he was there for hours before they called me. He said they had the handcuffs so tight and no one would loosen them a big but then one cop did. He had no bond but got possession of alcohol to a minor. My son, is 17 so he couldn't buy the booze. And interfering with the cops. When they went into this house a 14 girl answered the door. She was drunk and a couple of other girls there but were not drunk. So, whom ever supplied had to have been older but wasn't there or this girl's parents had the booze. I just hope the kid that was taken to the hospital is okay.
Something similar happened to my daughter. She got drunk and her friends just dumped her at the hospital and left and then called me. I yelled at her friend for not being there for her. And, she fed me this line she had to get back to her kid in which I then blasted to her that she never takes care of her kid and is always dumping her kid off at someone so horse shit to her remark.
We then get home. My husband is royally pissed and my son had knocked something over that made my husband more pissed. He runs after my son and he is now trying to get away from his father and falls over the gate and is on the floor. My husband steps over towards him and I can see the rage in him. I look at him and said you lay one fucken finger on him I will kill you. He turned sheet white at what I had said and of course told me to fuck off. He can be mad at me all he wants but if he touched him he wouldn't have stopped and could have hurt him. I wouldn't have hesitated to have him arrested. I am sorry, no matter how upset you are with your kids violent behavior is not the answer. I just told my son to go into his room and sleep off his booze and we will talk when he is sober.
I seriously need to move from this town you think?
At 9:00 I get this phone call from him to pick him up at the Police Station. At first, I was like stop fooling around. He is foul mouthing me and says he isn't kidding around. The officer got on the line. Says that there was a party but he wasn't at this one. He and his friend were walking and there were about 6 police cars at this house. A police officer stopped them and wanted to talk to them that is all. What did my son do and Jason? They take off. Guilty, guilty and guilty. If you don't have anything to hid I tell my son then why run and then when they catch you, you then resisted an arrest. He bitched about how ruff they were and how they hurt him. Told him that is what you get for running. Now, if you were smart you could have stood there and allowed the cop talk and ask a few questions and all this shit wouldn't have happened. So what happened. Apparently, some kid got drunk and passed out and so a bunch of kids put him in a car, drove him to the next town and left him on the side of the road and then called an ambulance. The cops in the next town traced the kid back to our town to a certain party. If he had been inside he would have been in more trouble but he was outside walking by and being obnoxious and running from them. I had explained to him that all he had to do was answer a few questions for them to help them with the investigation and then off you could have went but no, he had to be stupid.
They brought him down to the station and he said he was there for hours before they called me. He said they had the handcuffs so tight and no one would loosen them a big but then one cop did. He had no bond but got possession of alcohol to a minor. My son, is 17 so he couldn't buy the booze. And interfering with the cops. When they went into this house a 14 girl answered the door. She was drunk and a couple of other girls there but were not drunk. So, whom ever supplied had to have been older but wasn't there or this girl's parents had the booze. I just hope the kid that was taken to the hospital is okay.
Something similar happened to my daughter. She got drunk and her friends just dumped her at the hospital and left and then called me. I yelled at her friend for not being there for her. And, she fed me this line she had to get back to her kid in which I then blasted to her that she never takes care of her kid and is always dumping her kid off at someone so horse shit to her remark.
We then get home. My husband is royally pissed and my son had knocked something over that made my husband more pissed. He runs after my son and he is now trying to get away from his father and falls over the gate and is on the floor. My husband steps over towards him and I can see the rage in him. I look at him and said you lay one fucken finger on him I will kill you. He turned sheet white at what I had said and of course told me to fuck off. He can be mad at me all he wants but if he touched him he wouldn't have stopped and could have hurt him. I wouldn't have hesitated to have him arrested. I am sorry, no matter how upset you are with your kids violent behavior is not the answer. I just told my son to go into his room and sleep off his booze and we will talk when he is sober.
I seriously need to move from this town you think?
Blonde Logic and More....
Okay, no pun taken as I am a blonde my self and no where as stupid as some. Perhaps a wise-ass one in which is better to be then a DUMB-ASS!
Two blondes living in Oklahoma were sitting on a bench talking and one blonde says to the other, "Which do you think is farther away .... Florida or the moon?"
The other blonde turns and says, "Helloooooooooo, can you see Florida...?????"
A blonde pushes her BMW into a gas station. She tells the mechanic it died. After he works on it for a few minutes, it is idling smoothly. She says, "What's the story?"
He replies, "Just crap in the carburetor"
She asks, "How often do I have to do that?"
A police officer stops a blonde for speeding and asks her very nicely if he could see her license.
She replied in a huff, "I wish you guys would get your act together. Just yesterday you take away my license and then today you expect me to show it to you!"
There's this blonde out for a walk. She comes to a river and sees another blonde on the opposite bank. "Yoo-hoo!" she shouts, "How can I get to the other side?"
The second blonde looks up the river then down the river and shouts back, "You ARE on the other side."
A gorgeous young redhead goes into the doctor's office and said that her body hurt wherever she touched it.
"Impossible!" says the doctor. "Show me."
The redhead took her finger, pushed on her left breast and screamed, then she pushed her elbow and screamed in even more. She pushed her knee and screamed; likewise she pushed her ankle and screamed. Everywhere she touched made her scream.
The doctor said, "You're not really a redhead, are you?
"Well, no" she said, "I'm actually a blonde."
"I thought so," the doctor said. "Your finger is broken."
A highway patrolman pulled alongside a speeding car on the freeway. Glancing at the car, he was astounded to see that the blonde behind the wheel was knitting! Realizing that she was oblivious to his flashing lights and siren, the trooper cranked down his window, turned on his bullhorn and yelled, "PULL OVER!"
"NO!" the blonde yelled back, "IT'S A SCARF!"
A Russian, an American and a Blonde were talking one day. The Russian said, "We were the first in space!" The American said, "We were the first on the moon!"
The Blonde said, "So what? We're going to be the first on the sun!"
The Russian and the American looked at each other and shook their heads. "You can't land on the sun, you idiot! You'll burn up!" said the Russian.
To which the Blonde replied, "We're not stupid, you know. We're going at night!"
A blonde was playing Trivial Pursuit. It was her turn. She rolled the dice and she landed on Science & Nature. Her question was, "If you are in a vacuum and someone calls your name, can you hear it?"
She thought for a time and then asked, "Is it on or off?"
A girl was visiting her blonde friend, who had acquired two new dogs, and asked her what their names were. The blonde responded that one was named Rolex and one was named Timex.
Her friend said, "Whoever heard of someone naming dogs like that?"
"HELLLOOOOOOO......," answered the blond. "They're watch dogs!"
Two blondes living in Oklahoma were sitting on a bench talking and one blonde says to the other, "Which do you think is farther away .... Florida or the moon?"
The other blonde turns and says, "Helloooooooooo, can you see Florida...?????"
A blonde pushes her BMW into a gas station. She tells the mechanic it died. After he works on it for a few minutes, it is idling smoothly. She says, "What's the story?"
He replies, "Just crap in the carburetor"
She asks, "How often do I have to do that?"
A police officer stops a blonde for speeding and asks her very nicely if he could see her license.
She replied in a huff, "I wish you guys would get your act together. Just yesterday you take away my license and then today you expect me to show it to you!"
There's this blonde out for a walk. She comes to a river and sees another blonde on the opposite bank. "Yoo-hoo!" she shouts, "How can I get to the other side?"
The second blonde looks up the river then down the river and shouts back, "You ARE on the other side."
A gorgeous young redhead goes into the doctor's office and said that her body hurt wherever she touched it.
"Impossible!" says the doctor. "Show me."
The redhead took her finger, pushed on her left breast and screamed, then she pushed her elbow and screamed in even more. She pushed her knee and screamed; likewise she pushed her ankle and screamed. Everywhere she touched made her scream.
The doctor said, "You're not really a redhead, are you?
"Well, no" she said, "I'm actually a blonde."
"I thought so," the doctor said. "Your finger is broken."
A highway patrolman pulled alongside a speeding car on the freeway. Glancing at the car, he was astounded to see that the blonde behind the wheel was knitting! Realizing that she was oblivious to his flashing lights and siren, the trooper cranked down his window, turned on his bullhorn and yelled, "PULL OVER!"
"NO!" the blonde yelled back, "IT'S A SCARF!"
A Russian, an American and a Blonde were talking one day. The Russian said, "We were the first in space!" The American said, "We were the first on the moon!"
The Blonde said, "So what? We're going to be the first on the sun!"
The Russian and the American looked at each other and shook their heads. "You can't land on the sun, you idiot! You'll burn up!" said the Russian.
To which the Blonde replied, "We're not stupid, you know. We're going at night!"
A blonde was playing Trivial Pursuit. It was her turn. She rolled the dice and she landed on Science & Nature. Her question was, "If you are in a vacuum and someone calls your name, can you hear it?"
She thought for a time and then asked, "Is it on or off?"
A girl was visiting her blonde friend, who had acquired two new dogs, and asked her what their names were. The blonde responded that one was named Rolex and one was named Timex.
Her friend said, "Whoever heard of someone naming dogs like that?"
"HELLLOOOOOOO......," answered the blond. "They're watch dogs!"
Super Bowl
I am not a football fan what so ever and the only time that I watch it is during Super Bowl. Yet, I mostly watch for the commercials as most like to. Imagine the money involved just to get a spot and spending months trying to come up with a good commercial. They are getting better each year. Anyhow, of course the team I picked won. Way to go Steelers.
Ya, I have been lagging on my blog lately. Amazing, I don't have too much to say these days. Or, perhaps, there just isn't anything worthwhile to say on my part that is. I got this new program PSP and this is driving me insane. I have enrolled in those Yahoo groups for free lessons. The thing that really bugs me about reading the lessons is that the person that wrote it assumes we newbies know some of the tech words. Plus, they never tell you were to find the tools or really explain what the hell they are talking about. I have to ask all these questions. I know, no question is dumb when trying to learn this crap. But come on, learn to write out the lessons in ENGLISH please. So, I am trying to do this myself through trial and error in which I think most learn that way unless they have taken a class at their nearby school or college. When I got PSP 9 they gave me the book and it is the size of the NYC telephone directory. Dang, this is going to take me longer than I thought. But, I am so determined to learn this and I will. Then, you will see some of my shit on here. Okay, I have done a few. Looks like a kid learning how to use a crayon.
I really should be paying attention to fixing up some things in my house instead of the stupid program. I started too and became bored with it. I get that way all the time. I think it is because I am ADD. No wonder things are so half-assed done in this house. My whole family is like that and you would think we have someone that isn't so they can help each of stick to one task at a time. Noooooooooooooo! I swear even the dogs are ADD too. One of these days I will get back to it when I become bored with what I am doing.
Ya, I have been lagging on my blog lately. Amazing, I don't have too much to say these days. Or, perhaps, there just isn't anything worthwhile to say on my part that is. I got this new program PSP and this is driving me insane. I have enrolled in those Yahoo groups for free lessons. The thing that really bugs me about reading the lessons is that the person that wrote it assumes we newbies know some of the tech words. Plus, they never tell you were to find the tools or really explain what the hell they are talking about. I have to ask all these questions. I know, no question is dumb when trying to learn this crap. But come on, learn to write out the lessons in ENGLISH please. So, I am trying to do this myself through trial and error in which I think most learn that way unless they have taken a class at their nearby school or college. When I got PSP 9 they gave me the book and it is the size of the NYC telephone directory. Dang, this is going to take me longer than I thought. But, I am so determined to learn this and I will. Then, you will see some of my shit on here. Okay, I have done a few. Looks like a kid learning how to use a crayon.
I really should be paying attention to fixing up some things in my house instead of the stupid program. I started too and became bored with it. I get that way all the time. I think it is because I am ADD. No wonder things are so half-assed done in this house. My whole family is like that and you would think we have someone that isn't so they can help each of stick to one task at a time. Noooooooooooooo! I swear even the dogs are ADD too. One of these days I will get back to it when I become bored with what I am doing.
What Is The Secret?
What Is The Secret?
Check it out.....
Two places to check it out...
What Is The Secret? :: View Videos for Clues ::: Worldwide Television Event
Check it out.....
Two places to check it out...
What Is The Secret? :: View Videos for Clues ::: Worldwide Television Event
Burger King/Budweiser Frog

Has anyone seen the latest Burger King commercial where the King is running on the football field. Just what on earth is Burger King trying to sell here? Burgers, Football or NIGHTMARES!
This is an actually NFL game. The King is running down the field past defenders to score a touchdown. The person that King replaced is San Francisco QB Steve Young.
Just what does the King have to do with football? Absolutely nothing! Here is the catch though, people talk about it, you remember it, and that is what Burger King wants. They represent how much of an idiot they are.

Sorry girls, Burger King and the Oatmeal guy have a thing going. Or, perhaps Burger King is bisexual and very greedy. LOL!
While I am at it with advertisements...guys this is right up your beer drinking alley.
There is a reason why middle aged women shouldn't go to Mardi Gras and drink.

Smart Ass Answers
These are great. Something that I would most likely say and do, and get me in a lot of trouble but hey that's me and that's life! LOL!
TOP 5 SMART ASS ANSWERS FOR 2005 ...according to Reader's Digest:
Smart Ass Answer #5:
A flight attendant was stationed at the departure gate to check
tickets. As a man approached, she extended her hand for the ticket,
instead he opened his trench coat and flashed her. Without missing a
beat....she said, "Sir, I need to see your ticket not your stub."
Smart Ass Answer #4:
A lady was shopping for a turkey at the grocery store, but she
couldn't find one big enough for her family. She asked a stock boy,
"Do these turkeys get any bigger?" The stock boy replied," No ma'am
they're dead
Smart Ass Answer #3:
The cop got out of his car and the kid who was stopped for
speeding rolled down his windo w. "I've been waiting for you all day,"
the cop said. The kid replied, "Yeah, well I got here as fast as I
could." When the cop finally stopped laughing, he sent the kid on his
way without a ticket.
Smart Ass Answer #2:
A truck driver was driving along on the freeway. A sign comes up
that reads, "Low Bridge Ahead." Before he knows it, the bridge is
right Ahead of him and he gets stuck under the bridge. Cars are backed
up for miles. Finally, a police car comes up. The cop gets out of his
car and walks up to the truck driver, puts his hands on his hips and
says, "Got stuck, huh?" The truck driver says, "No, I was delivering
this bridge and ran out of gas."
AND NOW........
FOR THE..........BEST ONE..
A college teacher reminds her class of tomorrow's final exam.
"Now class, I won't tolerate any excuses for you not being here
tomorrow. I might consider a nuclear attack or a serious personal
injury or illness, or a death in your immediate family, but that's it,
no other excuses whatsoever!"
A smart ass guy in the back of the room raised his hand and
asked, "What would you say if tomorrow I said I was suffering from
complete and utter sexual exhaustion?" The entire class is reduced to
laughter and snickering. When silence is finally restored, the teacher
smiles knowingly at the student, shakes her head and sweetly says
"Well, I guess you'd have to write the exam with your other hand.
TOP 5 SMART ASS ANSWERS FOR 2005 ...according to Reader's Digest:
Smart Ass Answer #5:
A flight attendant was stationed at the departure gate to check
tickets. As a man approached, she extended her hand for the ticket,
instead he opened his trench coat and flashed her. Without missing a
beat....she said, "Sir, I need to see your ticket not your stub."
Smart Ass Answer #4:
A lady was shopping for a turkey at the grocery store, but she
couldn't find one big enough for her family. She asked a stock boy,
"Do these turkeys get any bigger?" The stock boy replied," No ma'am
they're dead
Smart Ass Answer #3:
The cop got out of his car and the kid who was stopped for
speeding rolled down his windo w. "I've been waiting for you all day,"
the cop said. The kid replied, "Yeah, well I got here as fast as I
could." When the cop finally stopped laughing, he sent the kid on his
way without a ticket.
Smart Ass Answer #2:
A truck driver was driving along on the freeway. A sign comes up
that reads, "Low Bridge Ahead." Before he knows it, the bridge is
right Ahead of him and he gets stuck under the bridge. Cars are backed
up for miles. Finally, a police car comes up. The cop gets out of his
car and walks up to the truck driver, puts his hands on his hips and
says, "Got stuck, huh?" The truck driver says, "No, I was delivering
this bridge and ran out of gas."
AND NOW........
FOR THE..........BEST ONE..
A college teacher reminds her class of tomorrow's final exam.
"Now class, I won't tolerate any excuses for you not being here
tomorrow. I might consider a nuclear attack or a serious personal
injury or illness, or a death in your immediate family, but that's it,
no other excuses whatsoever!"
A smart ass guy in the back of the room raised his hand and
asked, "What would you say if tomorrow I said I was suffering from
complete and utter sexual exhaustion?" The entire class is reduced to
laughter and snickering. When silence is finally restored, the teacher
smiles knowingly at the student, shakes her head and sweetly says
"Well, I guess you'd have to write the exam with your other hand.
Create Your Own Music
Okay, I know I have slacked off in giving you something to do. To all you music lovers out there Create Your Own Band. I hope this darn link works. If not, let me know.
Atlantic City, NJ
Anyone loose a relative some where? LOL!
Today I gotta make reservations for Atlantic City. My husband's company has a convention to go to at one of the casino's in NJ. I won't go with him on Monday as there is a class that he may go too. His friend, from another company that he use to work at will be coming on Tuesday with his wife and will pick me up. I am staying one night at one of the casino hotel's. I am booking at the Sand's Casino. My husband will be at another Hotel that his company has for him as he is sharing with his friend. Kindof sucks.
I haven't been to the Boardwalk since the early 70s. At that time the boardwalk was only about 3.5 miles long. Today, it is 7 miles. I know it is going to be awesome and best I remember my camera as I am going to make my husband step out of the convention and take a stroll on the Boardwalk.
I will tag along with his company as his boss has put me down as one of the employee's so I can see this Pool & Spa convention. From what I understand from hubby they also put on a dinner ~ for free! He says the food is awesome. We will at some point go and play some games. There is no way I am playing any card games as I suck at it. So, slot machines and anything else they have is fine with me.
Can't wait as we haven't done anything in so long. Well, he has but not me.
Who Were You In Your Past Life?
The Big View
Ever wanted to know who you were in a past life? Check it out by clicking onto link ---> The Big View. ( )
This is what mine said about me.
Your past life diagnosis:
I don't know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.
You were born somewhere in the territory of modern France around the year 1800.
Your profession was that of a seaman, dealer, businessman or broker.
Your brief psychological profile in your past life:
Bohemian personality, mysterious, highly gifted, capable to understand ancient books. With a magician's abilities, you could have been a servant of dark forces.
The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:
Your task is to learn, to love and to trust the universe. You are bound to think, study, reflect, and to develop inner wisdom.
Do you remember now?
Ever wanted to know who you were in a past life? Check it out by clicking onto link ---> The Big View. ( )
This is what mine said about me.
Your past life diagnosis:
I don't know how you feel about it, but you were male in your last earthly incarnation.
You were born somewhere in the territory of modern France around the year 1800.
Your profession was that of a seaman, dealer, businessman or broker.
Your brief psychological profile in your past life:
Bohemian personality, mysterious, highly gifted, capable to understand ancient books. With a magician's abilities, you could have been a servant of dark forces.
The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:
Your task is to learn, to love and to trust the universe. You are bound to think, study, reflect, and to develop inner wisdom.
Do you remember now?
Shake Down!
As many of you know that there is never a dull moment in my house. Well, it seems as though it has been dull until today. To let you know this is going to be a long blog.
I had just taken a shower as my husband and I were going to run to the grocery store in a while. I sat down at the computer and was reading someone's blog. Reyna, my dog started barking as usual over every little sound and I looked at her as she was peering out the window. My dogs are my ears for me and whenever they do bark I always get up to see what any of the dogs are barking about. I had noticed the hair on her fur was standing up. This seemed a little odd I thought and curious as I was, I had gotten up and looked out the window.
Every watched the TV show cops when they are about to invade a house? This is what I saw. Six or 7 cop cars race up into my driveway with at least 20 cops dodging out of the car with their guns held close to them as each scattered in all different directions on my property. My first thought was they were going after someone that had come onto my property but then I saw a few take position behind their car and my son-in-law's car. My heart flew out of my chest and I started hyperventilating and shut my computer room door so that that dogs wouldn't follow me.
I raced down the stairs where my husband was and he is a sleep in the recliner and I yelled to him "Get up the Fucking cops are here and surrounded the house!" He literally flew out of the recliner and we went to the door and threw open the door. He went first and held his hands up and the cops were yelling him to get down. He got down on his belly with his hands over his head. They see me, and yelled get out and I held my hands up as well and a couple of cops directed me to get behind them. I am flipping out and told the cop I don't need this kind of drama in my life and I feel like I am going to pass out. Not good for someone who has high blood pressure. So anyway, they did a quick search on my husband and tell him to stand behind them by another vehicle. The cop turns to me and says "Where is he" referring to my son-in-law. I show him the window where he is, and then warn them that there are 4 dogs in that house, and three being Pitt Bulls. Now, they really don't want to go in there, and are trying to figure out how to get my son-in-law out. Being a smart ass I said here I will help you and I started to go around the car and I was gonna go in the house and rip his dam body out of the house and he grabbed me to keep me from proceeding. We noticed that the bedroom window was open so, I yelled as loud as my big fat mouth would yell and said "Edwin, get your fuckin ass out of my house now!" I said it several times. We waited and waited for some 15 minutes but he didn't respond. I yelled again. From what I gathered later he was a sleep is why he didn't respond. But, anyway, the dumb ass lets the dogs out of the bedroom in hopes that Reyna will attack one. All of a sudden I see Boon, the puppy, and then King running out but no Reyna. The one dog that I thought would harm someone didn't come out. She sat at the top of the stairs and didn't move. Edwin, slowly comes out of the house and of course like you see on cops he has about 5-6 guys grabbing him and slamming him down into the snow. The expression on his face showed WTF? He had no dam clue why they were there and what he had done apparently. I walked over to him and yelled at him to stay the fuck away from my daughter as well as my family. But, I really didn't know what the fuck I was yelling at him for cause I didn't know what the hell he had done. We then asked what he had done. They told us that he apparently threaten to kill a cop. I had no words and just a shocked look on my face when I heard that.
They then asked to search the house. I said you can search his room but no where else as he only uses that room, the bathroom, and perhaps the kitchen but that is where all his belongings are and no where else in the house. So, I escorted them into the bedroom and just like on cops they ripped the bedroom apart. It is a total disaster now. They didn't find anything in that room. No weapons, no drugs, no nothing. Then, they though, oh perhaps the guns were in his car. We looked high and low for the keys and only found the keys to the Lexus. So, he permitted them to break the window of the car. None of them wanted to do it. So, my husband goes into the garage and comes out with an ax and it took three tries to get the window to smash. Of course they all made this comment that the car was bullet proof. They tear that car apart. Nothing in there. Then they go to the other car. Nothing in there as well.
Mean while we now have an audience of neighbors, and passing cars literally stopping and watching this whole drama. My town is a quiet town. Nothing happens here really and this is fun watching for everyone. My sons friend father saw the drama and gets out of the car and proceeded to step into the property only because he thought his son was at the house but the two had just left and the cop told him to get away or he be arrested for obstructing an arrest.
We had two neighboring town cops there. My town and Norwalk cops since he is known to be down there as well. And, the FBI as well. The cops were every where. They took him down to Norwalk Police Station. We then called our daughter at work to inform her. Of course we are arguing with her, etc., about the whole shit that went down. She only had about 15 minutes of work left and then began calling any police station to see where he was and to get some answers on WTF was going on.
My daughter doesn 't take shit from no one and not from the cops either as they especially Norwalk cops are known to stretch the truth about things. So, she finds him and gets to the station and demands some answers, and demands to see him. She was brought into a room so they can talk to her and they wanted to arrest her for just being the wife. Of course my daughter and her nasty mouth more or less told them to fuck off and demanded to see him. They bring her where he is and she jumps all over him and the Cop in which is a distance cousin to my son-in-law was in the room along with the officer that said he threaten to kill him. That officer then tells the Cop that he never threaten to kill him and that so and so in which is a good friend of Edwin's ratted him out claiming that he threaten to kill him. Edwin doesn't understand why his friend is doing this as they have known each other for many years.
Come to find out that the guy that made the faults statement of him being threaten also turned on his father, his brother, and someone else. They learned that this guy is nuts and he tried to kill him self in front of his daughter when they questioned him at his home.
Meanwhile, the cops wanted to search my husband's sister's house and my daughter said what for. We don't live there. We just have mail going there and our licensee says that is our address. So, my daughter calls his Lawyer and tells her this. Their Lawyer said to let the babies have their way and that she needed to escort them to her Aunt's house. So, while that is going on the cops were already at the house. Without a warrant. They get there and she is like ripen mad and screaming at them that she said she almost got arrested for her mouth. She and the rest of the cops go into the house and they tell her to stay in the kitchen. She wasn't about to listen to them and went into the livingroom so she can watch what they are doing and follows them so that they don't plant anything. She later calls her Aunt to tell her what happened and she was in Texas on business and when she gets home she will file a suit against them.
My daughter is calling us every step she is doing and tells me she got a bondsman and his bond is $2,000 and she has to come home and get the money that they have stashed in the room to get him out. So, come Monday he will need to go to court to have all this misunderstanding taken care of as the cops said.
Do you fuckin believe this. What horse shit? Oh, and they slapped a charge on him saying he resisted an arrest. He did not. I watched what they did as well as my husband. He cooperated with them after having been there and done that before and knows better. My daughter said that he has bruises and cuts all over him. Well, they are known to be rough and Edwin is a big guy.
Okay, I think my drama for the year is done...lets move on with 2006. Dam, it has only been 6 days into the New Year and this shit.
Oh, I said to the cop "Dam, this is like watching the show cops!" His response was "It is like the show cops, only your living it"
I had just taken a shower as my husband and I were going to run to the grocery store in a while. I sat down at the computer and was reading someone's blog. Reyna, my dog started barking as usual over every little sound and I looked at her as she was peering out the window. My dogs are my ears for me and whenever they do bark I always get up to see what any of the dogs are barking about. I had noticed the hair on her fur was standing up. This seemed a little odd I thought and curious as I was, I had gotten up and looked out the window.
Every watched the TV show cops when they are about to invade a house? This is what I saw. Six or 7 cop cars race up into my driveway with at least 20 cops dodging out of the car with their guns held close to them as each scattered in all different directions on my property. My first thought was they were going after someone that had come onto my property but then I saw a few take position behind their car and my son-in-law's car. My heart flew out of my chest and I started hyperventilating and shut my computer room door so that that dogs wouldn't follow me.
I raced down the stairs where my husband was and he is a sleep in the recliner and I yelled to him "Get up the Fucking cops are here and surrounded the house!" He literally flew out of the recliner and we went to the door and threw open the door. He went first and held his hands up and the cops were yelling him to get down. He got down on his belly with his hands over his head. They see me, and yelled get out and I held my hands up as well and a couple of cops directed me to get behind them. I am flipping out and told the cop I don't need this kind of drama in my life and I feel like I am going to pass out. Not good for someone who has high blood pressure. So anyway, they did a quick search on my husband and tell him to stand behind them by another vehicle. The cop turns to me and says "Where is he" referring to my son-in-law. I show him the window where he is, and then warn them that there are 4 dogs in that house, and three being Pitt Bulls. Now, they really don't want to go in there, and are trying to figure out how to get my son-in-law out. Being a smart ass I said here I will help you and I started to go around the car and I was gonna go in the house and rip his dam body out of the house and he grabbed me to keep me from proceeding. We noticed that the bedroom window was open so, I yelled as loud as my big fat mouth would yell and said "Edwin, get your fuckin ass out of my house now!" I said it several times. We waited and waited for some 15 minutes but he didn't respond. I yelled again. From what I gathered later he was a sleep is why he didn't respond. But, anyway, the dumb ass lets the dogs out of the bedroom in hopes that Reyna will attack one. All of a sudden I see Boon, the puppy, and then King running out but no Reyna. The one dog that I thought would harm someone didn't come out. She sat at the top of the stairs and didn't move. Edwin, slowly comes out of the house and of course like you see on cops he has about 5-6 guys grabbing him and slamming him down into the snow. The expression on his face showed WTF? He had no dam clue why they were there and what he had done apparently. I walked over to him and yelled at him to stay the fuck away from my daughter as well as my family. But, I really didn't know what the fuck I was yelling at him for cause I didn't know what the hell he had done. We then asked what he had done. They told us that he apparently threaten to kill a cop. I had no words and just a shocked look on my face when I heard that.
They then asked to search the house. I said you can search his room but no where else as he only uses that room, the bathroom, and perhaps the kitchen but that is where all his belongings are and no where else in the house. So, I escorted them into the bedroom and just like on cops they ripped the bedroom apart. It is a total disaster now. They didn't find anything in that room. No weapons, no drugs, no nothing. Then, they though, oh perhaps the guns were in his car. We looked high and low for the keys and only found the keys to the Lexus. So, he permitted them to break the window of the car. None of them wanted to do it. So, my husband goes into the garage and comes out with an ax and it took three tries to get the window to smash. Of course they all made this comment that the car was bullet proof. They tear that car apart. Nothing in there. Then they go to the other car. Nothing in there as well.
Mean while we now have an audience of neighbors, and passing cars literally stopping and watching this whole drama. My town is a quiet town. Nothing happens here really and this is fun watching for everyone. My sons friend father saw the drama and gets out of the car and proceeded to step into the property only because he thought his son was at the house but the two had just left and the cop told him to get away or he be arrested for obstructing an arrest.
We had two neighboring town cops there. My town and Norwalk cops since he is known to be down there as well. And, the FBI as well. The cops were every where. They took him down to Norwalk Police Station. We then called our daughter at work to inform her. Of course we are arguing with her, etc., about the whole shit that went down. She only had about 15 minutes of work left and then began calling any police station to see where he was and to get some answers on WTF was going on.
My daughter doesn 't take shit from no one and not from the cops either as they especially Norwalk cops are known to stretch the truth about things. So, she finds him and gets to the station and demands some answers, and demands to see him. She was brought into a room so they can talk to her and they wanted to arrest her for just being the wife. Of course my daughter and her nasty mouth more or less told them to fuck off and demanded to see him. They bring her where he is and she jumps all over him and the Cop in which is a distance cousin to my son-in-law was in the room along with the officer that said he threaten to kill him. That officer then tells the Cop that he never threaten to kill him and that so and so in which is a good friend of Edwin's ratted him out claiming that he threaten to kill him. Edwin doesn't understand why his friend is doing this as they have known each other for many years.
Come to find out that the guy that made the faults statement of him being threaten also turned on his father, his brother, and someone else. They learned that this guy is nuts and he tried to kill him self in front of his daughter when they questioned him at his home.
Meanwhile, the cops wanted to search my husband's sister's house and my daughter said what for. We don't live there. We just have mail going there and our licensee says that is our address. So, my daughter calls his Lawyer and tells her this. Their Lawyer said to let the babies have their way and that she needed to escort them to her Aunt's house. So, while that is going on the cops were already at the house. Without a warrant. They get there and she is like ripen mad and screaming at them that she said she almost got arrested for her mouth. She and the rest of the cops go into the house and they tell her to stay in the kitchen. She wasn't about to listen to them and went into the livingroom so she can watch what they are doing and follows them so that they don't plant anything. She later calls her Aunt to tell her what happened and she was in Texas on business and when she gets home she will file a suit against them.
My daughter is calling us every step she is doing and tells me she got a bondsman and his bond is $2,000 and she has to come home and get the money that they have stashed in the room to get him out. So, come Monday he will need to go to court to have all this misunderstanding taken care of as the cops said.
Do you fuckin believe this. What horse shit? Oh, and they slapped a charge on him saying he resisted an arrest. He did not. I watched what they did as well as my husband. He cooperated with them after having been there and done that before and knows better. My daughter said that he has bruises and cuts all over him. Well, they are known to be rough and Edwin is a big guy.
Okay, I think my drama for the year is done...lets move on with 2006. Dam, it has only been 6 days into the New Year and this shit.
Oh, I said to the cop "Dam, this is like watching the show cops!" His response was "It is like the show cops, only your living it"
So, It's My Birthday Today...
My husband and I decided to go to the town we use to live in to visit a friend of ours. As a matter of fact our friend's Birthday is today too. His real name is Gill but every one calls him Jill. We all think Gill just doesn't fit him and who knows what his mother was thinking when she had him. She named the second son Greg.
Anyway, Jill was up in the attic redoing it with 4 other guys who we know and one being our nephew. His father, that lives next door use to live in this house gave him the house but not the other son because he was to irresponsible and wouldn't get off his ass to work. There was a bit of a war there with the two and Jill was willing to let him be part owner but his brother didn't want to help fix up the place or get a job and help pay for the material. Then, Jill was demanding rent money from him and he wouldn't pay that either. Later on the brother moved to Florida. So, everything worked out for the best. He also has his nephew living with him and we just learned that his wife's brother will be living there too soon since he is separated from his wife.
After the visit we went to Appleby's for a late lunch. I tell you, they serve really good food there. Today, I decided to have this southwest chicken. It was so darn good. They have a special for $12.99. You get this appetizer of corn chips with southwest cheese sauce, the Southwest chicken, and a piece of raspberry cheesecake. We couldn't eat the cheesecake so we asked them to put it in a container for later. I just had a had it and man oh man was that good too. I gotta make this some time again. Just fabulous.
What did I get for my Birthday? I went on line and did my own shopping. I bought a software program called Paint Shop Pro 9. Want to do some of my own graphics. I also want a Wacom Graphire Tablet. I am still shopping for other things. LOL!
Anyway, Jill was up in the attic redoing it with 4 other guys who we know and one being our nephew. His father, that lives next door use to live in this house gave him the house but not the other son because he was to irresponsible and wouldn't get off his ass to work. There was a bit of a war there with the two and Jill was willing to let him be part owner but his brother didn't want to help fix up the place or get a job and help pay for the material. Then, Jill was demanding rent money from him and he wouldn't pay that either. Later on the brother moved to Florida. So, everything worked out for the best. He also has his nephew living with him and we just learned that his wife's brother will be living there too soon since he is separated from his wife.
After the visit we went to Appleby's for a late lunch. I tell you, they serve really good food there. Today, I decided to have this southwest chicken. It was so darn good. They have a special for $12.99. You get this appetizer of corn chips with southwest cheese sauce, the Southwest chicken, and a piece of raspberry cheesecake. We couldn't eat the cheesecake so we asked them to put it in a container for later. I just had a had it and man oh man was that good too. I gotta make this some time again. Just fabulous.
What did I get for my Birthday? I went on line and did my own shopping. I bought a software program called Paint Shop Pro 9. Want to do some of my own graphics. I also want a Wacom Graphire Tablet. I am still shopping for other things. LOL!
Getting Back To Normal
I am glad all the holiday's are done and over with and things have returned to normal. With all three holidays in a row it is enough to make anyone insane! The decorations are down and back up in the attic. I can now reclaim my living room again. I tell you, with the decorations up it is more cluttered. I know it is nice and all but my gosh the stuff you put up to make the house look nice. I didn't up everything like I normal do since I had rented a dumpster just a couple weeks before Christmas and threw out my entire living room set, my recreation room set, the entire garage full of crap. And, would you know I need to rent another dumpster. It truly amazes me the amount of crap we have in our homes. Really, do you use most of it? So, my living room was bare and I really had no place to put decorations. Just on the wall and a few places. That's it.
We did get our new furniture the week after Christmas. It would have been nicer before Christmas. Oh well.
My Max is coming along but just the other day his ear was bleeding all over the place. Ugh, back to the Vet again. So, the Vet had a solution to the problem. Take a look at the picture. I know, he looks sad, and at the same time it is funny. We were laughing so hard in the Vet's office. I am sure the dog would have gotten down off the table and bit our ass for laughing. Needless to say, he removed his funny turbo off his ear quickly. He ran out of the car and found the nearest bush and pulled it off. Serves us right for laughing at him. But, we had to redo it all over again.

While we battle with Max, our Reyna is in heat. Yes, we need to fix her but in the mean time this is what we have to do when she is in heat. Yes, that is a diaper you see on her. And, yes, she looks unhappy, and rather embarrassed too.

So, what else is new. Oh ya, I will be another year older tomorrow. Yup, creeping up to 50 but not there just yet. Two more years and I will be climbing over the hill. What are my plans...who the heck knows.
We did get our new furniture the week after Christmas. It would have been nicer before Christmas. Oh well.
My Max is coming along but just the other day his ear was bleeding all over the place. Ugh, back to the Vet again. So, the Vet had a solution to the problem. Take a look at the picture. I know, he looks sad, and at the same time it is funny. We were laughing so hard in the Vet's office. I am sure the dog would have gotten down off the table and bit our ass for laughing. Needless to say, he removed his funny turbo off his ear quickly. He ran out of the car and found the nearest bush and pulled it off. Serves us right for laughing at him. But, we had to redo it all over again.
While we battle with Max, our Reyna is in heat. Yes, we need to fix her but in the mean time this is what we have to do when she is in heat. Yes, that is a diaper you see on her. And, yes, she looks unhappy, and rather embarrassed too.
So, what else is new. Oh ya, I will be another year older tomorrow. Yup, creeping up to 50 but not there just yet. Two more years and I will be climbing over the hill. What are my plans...who the heck knows.
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