Happy New Year

Our family did it's usual Christmas Eve tradition and went over to my husband's sister's house. At one time everyone use to come over but ever since the death of his mother 10 years ago it has gotten smaller. This is okay since he has a large family. Most Italian families do. My husband is the baby of the family and has 5 sister's and 1 brother. Having everyone pile into this small cape house in which belonged to his mother and now belongs to his sister. The year his mother died, she was going to stop doing this tradition but we talked her out of it and told her that her Mother would want her to continue the tradition. The family grew too much that it was hard to have everyone there at once. See, when I got married I gained 17 nephews in one day and I am a Great Aunt to 17 nephews as well. There are only 4/5 nieces I have on his side of the family. Anyway, it was pleasant. Then on Christmas day we go back over to the sister that had Christmas Even and exchange gifts with her. She is my husband real sister and the other 4 are his step-sister, and brother. Then off to his late Aunt's house for the traditional Christmas dinner. Of course we start off with appetizer then the 3 course meal. Santa was really nice this year.
My Max is doing well and home. He see's the Vet 2 times a week to make sure we are treating him properly and so far we are taking good care of our dog. We do keep him separated from the other's and got one of those playpen's for kids and let him walk around in that. We have gates all over our house. I feel like I am trying to keep my kids off of furniture etc. Well, I am. I bought new furniture and I am banding them from the living area. I also have new furniture down stairs as well. Since my husband spends his time down there he can watch the dogs carefully so that they do not make their new bed on our new furniture.
As we approach the New Year how many are setting those New Year Resoultions for themselves and what are they. I have only created at least 3 things since I don't want to set myself up to fail. 1. Loose 10 pounds. 2. Find a job 3. Redo the house in which I am in the process of doing so I am well on my way to accomplishing them.
Happy New Year....
I got my Baby!

You can see how his ear is.
When we got into the house the puppy, Boon Koon, jumped the gate and was waiting at the top of the stairs for us. She was shaking since it has been 3 weeks since she seen Max and almost forgot about him. Then, she recognized his sent and was wagging her tail. The others of course were curious about him. Since I had bought one of those circle playpens that can open up and I had surrounded his cage so they can't get too close to him.
We did something crazy yesterday. We were driving to find a gate for Max and as you might know we are in a desperate need of another vehicle as the one I have has 210,000. The car is still running but it is only good for around the town type driving now. None of this long hauling driving as she once was able to do. There is a used car lot at the end of our road and we are always looking to see if there is a car that we like and for a reasonable price. We both spotted a Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo that is hunter green. Ah, my favorite color. All of a sudden we are in the parking lot looking at the car. The inside is clean, the outside no dents with just a few scratches but who cares. The price is $5995. but I think I can talk him down. So, I go inside and inquire about the car. We get the keys and take the car for a spin and come back and I said I will give you $5600. for the car and the guy said okay. We went to the bank, to our Insurance Agency, and back to the dealer. He sends out his guy to the Motor Vehicle and by 4:00 I got my self a car. We spotted the car at 1:00 in which the car wasn't there yesterday. Within 3 hours we got ourselves a car.
We then went home and had dinner and went back out to Bob's Furniture and got our furniture we spotted a couple of weeks ago and ordered it. We will have the new furniture December 26th.

I have been really busy and need to seriously catch up on blogging. Thanks for all your support and prayers .
I spent part of the day wrapping up my daughter's gifts for her while my husband went out to lunch with his boss and the other guys at work. He really likes his new job that he started this year and gets along with the boss really well. He was telling me one day in the office a client had called and one of the other guys answered the phone and they told the client that the boss was unavailable because he was in the back room with the secretary stuffing the ole turkey as he does every year. The client took it the wrong way and was like I see he is busy and will call later. They all had a good laugh over it. Seems that they do this kind of crap all the time to the clients. Even the boss will say perverted stuff on the phone from what I gather. Anyway, he loves working there and is glad he left the other company in which he heard they want him back. He told me he wouldn't go back if they gave him a $10 raise. Money doesn't mean anything at a job unless your happy.
After he got home in which was around 4:00 we went out so I can finish my shopping in which was a few things. He took me to Applebie's for dinner but he didn't eat since he had just ate. We got home around 8:30 and started watching Scare Face and then popped in the movie that I had got from Netflix Herbie Fully Loaded. Cute movie.
Good News!
Max ~ No Cancer!
What a cry of relief this is!
Went to see Max and the Vet explained what he had done. He said that when Max scratched his ear on the backside to death he had punctured two holes in his ears to cause the bad infection and like I said before they had to stitch the holes up. Then of course the cut he had to make to keep draining the ear and the other cut to take of the growth or tumor and the results should be in on Monday. This is gonna cost us $77 a day for him to be in there so, my husband and I are like no frickin way we can afford this any more and are only alternative is to drain his ear and put medication in ear ourselves. He is gonna have to watch what the Vet does as I couldn't even look at it. I only saw the back side of his ear and how they had shaved all around the ear just grossed me out. So, he is going to be the one that does this and I have to hold him down. The Vet said that we will have to do this for a month or he has to stay at the Vet for a month. Ah, for free maybe but I can't afford this any more.
What a cry of relief this is!
Went to see Max and the Vet explained what he had done. He said that when Max scratched his ear on the backside to death he had punctured two holes in his ears to cause the bad infection and like I said before they had to stitch the holes up. Then of course the cut he had to make to keep draining the ear and the other cut to take of the growth or tumor and the results should be in on Monday. This is gonna cost us $77 a day for him to be in there so, my husband and I are like no frickin way we can afford this any more and are only alternative is to drain his ear and put medication in ear ourselves. He is gonna have to watch what the Vet does as I couldn't even look at it. I only saw the back side of his ear and how they had shaved all around the ear just grossed me out. So, he is going to be the one that does this and I have to hold him down. The Vet said that we will have to do this for a month or he has to stay at the Vet for a month. Ah, for free maybe but I can't afford this any more.
Called the Vet to check in on Max. He is sore and to be expected since they had drained more blood from his ear. They took part of the growth out to have it analyze and I am not sure when the results will be in. Apparently the dog had gone crazy scratching his ear before I had talkin him to the Vet and he scratched right through his ear. They had to put 9 stitches in his ear. They are not sure when he will be able to come home. It all depends on the test results and how well he is healing.
While on the phone with the Vet I had made an appointment for the puppy to have her shots etc. She goes in on her Birthday next week. Ouch!
Got the tree in the house but not in the stand. Making progress here. It should be up perhaps next week? Who knows. This season sucks.
While on the phone with the Vet I had made an appointment for the puppy to have her shots etc. She goes in on her Birthday next week. Ouch!
Got the tree in the house but not in the stand. Making progress here. It should be up perhaps next week? Who knows. This season sucks.
A New Author - Mark Barnes
I am not a sports fan but I have a little story to tell you. I am on another blog site and I had gotten an email by this guy asking me how to increase their blogeyes and of course being the smart ass I am I told him that I was a blabber mouth and I like to write about anything. I gave him a point pointers to. Perhaps the pointers were for me rather than the thousands of readers on the internet. I said that while Politics is a great subject it tends to get worn out and if he is prepared to get into a heated political war with other bloggers go right ahead and write about it. I just basically told him to be himself and write what ever comes to mind and if he is good he will get those readers coming back and perhaps someone will blog about him that will make others check out his blog.
He isn't a Blogspot subscriber but I had suggested this to him because I told him that Blogspot is filled with a lot of writers like him and he would mesh in well if he can handle two blogs. So, I had to see who this character is and read his blog. Then, I followed to his website. Ah, he is indeed a sports writer. Football seems to be his specialty. He has written a new novel "The League" by Mark Barnes. He just may be the next John Grisham or James Patterson from what I am gathering of his style of writing. It doesn't matter if he is writing about football to me because after all, he writes suspense or mystery and I read those type of books as well as other type of genre.
If you should be looking for a book for someone that likes sports may I suggest picking up The League or perhaps you may want to read the book as well.
He isn't a Blogspot subscriber but I had suggested this to him because I told him that Blogspot is filled with a lot of writers like him and he would mesh in well if he can handle two blogs. So, I had to see who this character is and read his blog. Then, I followed to his website. Ah, he is indeed a sports writer. Football seems to be his specialty. He has written a new novel "The League" by Mark Barnes. He just may be the next John Grisham or James Patterson from what I am gathering of his style of writing. It doesn't matter if he is writing about football to me because after all, he writes suspense or mystery and I read those type of books as well as other type of genre.
If you should be looking for a book for someone that likes sports may I suggest picking up The League or perhaps you may want to read the book as well.
Update on Max
I just want to thank all of you for your prayers for my dog Max. I know I haven't been visiting your blogs lately but I just have too much on my mind lately and will be for the next week. I have lost my spirit of Christmas. As soon as my Max returns home I will feel myself again. I just don't like the fact he is at the hospital all by himself and wondering if he thinks I have abandon him. I gotta find a nice blanket and some treats for his homecoming and he better be home for Christmas.
I just got back from the Vet. I brought my husband with me this time just in case being upset as I am I would miss what the Veterinarian would tell us about Max.
He didn't want us to talk because he didn't want Max to know we were there but the dog knew. The Veterinarian had his assistant bring Max out to show us the ear. I stood by the door, I just couldn't go in and see his ear. I just do not have the stomach for that. Well, even if I had looked at it I would have freaked out. So, it was best my husband went in and looked at the ear. The ear is still draining out from what I could see on the examining table. The assistant was covering Max's eyes but dogs can smell you and know your sent to figure out that your there.
We then went down stairs to talk more about the surgery. What he will do first is take a sample of the growth to determine what kind of growth it is. He said he could just cut the growth out and leave the ear but then that growth will come back or just take the ear off completely. The one main thing he is concerned about is the fact the infection and other medical problems Max is having now he may not make it through surgery. In other words he can die from the surgery. That was it for me. I just cried like a baby when he said that. So, in other words, this surgery is a 50/50 chances of survival from what I am gathering.
The Vet will call to let me know when he will do the surgery. He just wants Max to be on the medication he is on a little longer is why he says he will do it on Monday or Tuesday. So, I forked over another $1,000.00 today.
I told my husband do not get me anything for Christmas. Taking care of Max is my gift and bringing the dog home. He is going to need a lot of special care.
I just got back from the Vet. I brought my husband with me this time just in case being upset as I am I would miss what the Veterinarian would tell us about Max.
He didn't want us to talk because he didn't want Max to know we were there but the dog knew. The Veterinarian had his assistant bring Max out to show us the ear. I stood by the door, I just couldn't go in and see his ear. I just do not have the stomach for that. Well, even if I had looked at it I would have freaked out. So, it was best my husband went in and looked at the ear. The ear is still draining out from what I could see on the examining table. The assistant was covering Max's eyes but dogs can smell you and know your sent to figure out that your there.
We then went down stairs to talk more about the surgery. What he will do first is take a sample of the growth to determine what kind of growth it is. He said he could just cut the growth out and leave the ear but then that growth will come back or just take the ear off completely. The one main thing he is concerned about is the fact the infection and other medical problems Max is having now he may not make it through surgery. In other words he can die from the surgery. That was it for me. I just cried like a baby when he said that. So, in other words, this surgery is a 50/50 chances of survival from what I am gathering.
The Vet will call to let me know when he will do the surgery. He just wants Max to be on the medication he is on a little longer is why he says he will do it on Monday or Tuesday. So, I forked over another $1,000.00 today.
I told my husband do not get me anything for Christmas. Taking care of Max is my gift and bringing the dog home. He is going to need a lot of special care.
Picture Fun...
Very Bad News on Max...

Really bad news. Max isn't doing well. The Vet had called my husband's cell phone since he couldn't reach my house phone. I was vacuuming and didn't hear the phone ring until it was too late.
He had explained to my husband that Max has a tumor in his ear. It is cancer. This explains the nose bleed more and his swollen ear. He said he will have to cut the ear off but he believes Max will be fine afterwards. I don't know. Cancer is cancer no matter where. My other dog died of cancer. So, the Vet will be calling me shortly since my husband suggested he call to explain all this to me and my husband wanted to warn me. Max is a Yellow Lab/Golden Retriever.
I am not in the greatest mood and certainly not in the holiday spirit now. I couldn't care less. I won't be able to do any shopping since this surgery is going to wipe us out.
Will keep you posted.
Max, My Dog

Max is in the hospital. He will need surgery on his ear. This dog has mad allergies and we can keep giving him medication for the ear and his skin but it will not go away until we know what he is allergic too. It could be something simple as changing his dog food. I feed my dogs Pedigree and basic crunches. So, we will send his blood work to some specialist out in California that deals with dog allergies. The nose bleeding as I said before he was having. Well, it backed up into his ears and made his ears blow up so they have to drain them. He also has lyme. Poor thing. The Vet said his ear could have burst and it would have made a bloody mess all over the place and lucky I brought him in. So, yes, his ear is infected now. Damage...close to $2,000.00. I told him to give him any shots he needs by contacting his old Vet as I didn't like them any longer because they weren't treated him properly. I am not sure how long he will be in the hospital.

Early Christmas Present

My husband is getting his Christmas gift early tomorrow. Yup, he wanted a HDTV and home theater surround sound. I got a good deal on it and it was in stock and grabbed it. Since I had done some shopping around it seems that this model and another sells quickly so I jumped at it.
The other big thing he wants is KitchenAid Artisian Series Stand Mixer, the 5 qt. one - Wants to make his own pasta and saugage. Yup, you can tell he is the cook in the house.
The mixer he is just going to have to wait.

Bad Day
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