As you know my husband got his HDTV on Sunday. Of course he was very, very happy about his gift. I told my son that he had to hook everything up for non-technology Dad but there was one slight problem. The TV I had bought you couldn't just plug the cable wire right into the TV. WTF? You would have thought that the person selling me this TV would have told me that I needed extra equipment to get this working but noooooooooooo! I wouldn't have bought that TV. So, off we went to Circuit City and had to buy a VCR to hook this up. No, I do not have a cable box. I just have the wire that just connects into the TV. That simple, no stupid box. So, we had to spend $54 on a VCR. Hubby says maybe it is time to upgrade the cable. Upgrade!!! Hell, just to have basic and then run the two computers cost close to a $100 a month. Let's just stick with the stupid VCR connecting way. I am not adding another darn bill. This is the only Christmas shopping I have done. My son wants a new Laptop. My daughter doesn't say what she wants and I haven't asked really except for slippers. My dog ate mine. Figures the two men ask for gigantic things and the women under $10.00
Isn't that always the way. My parents got my niece a playstation one year and had to buy a new TV so she could use it....
Hold the phone, skyeblue the rescue.....Just yesterday Victoria"s Secret came in the mail. and with a purchase of pj's you get slippers.Oh and the fashion show is tonight on cbs 10/9c. Here's a chance to get the guys attention.
That thing with the tv sounds stupid!! What if you didn't want a VCR or something? Did they explain what you were supposed to do?? I hope your husband gets you something more than slippers!!!! GEEZ!!
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