Max is in the hospital. He will need surgery on his ear. This dog has mad allergies and we can keep giving him medication for the ear and his skin but it will not go away until we know what he is allergic too. It could be something simple as changing his dog food. I feed my dogs Pedigree and basic crunches. So, we will send his blood work to some specialist out in California that deals with dog allergies. The nose bleeding as I said before he was having. Well, it backed up into his ears and made his ears blow up so they have to drain them. He also has lyme. Poor thing. The Vet said his ear could have burst and it would have made a bloody mess all over the place and lucky I brought him in. So, yes, his ear is infected now. Damage...close to $2,000.00. I told him to give him any shots he needs by contacting his old Vet as I didn't like them any longer because they weren't treated him properly. I am not sure how long he will be in the hospital.
MAX!!! OMG!!! I am so glad he is okay. OMG his ear bursting sounds awful!!! The pic is small and I can't tell if he is a pitt mix? Or is he one of your non-pitt dogs? Keep us posted!! AND RYC: You are tagged because we enquiring minds want to know!!!!!!
Aw, poor Max. I hope all turns out well.
+(. poor dog!!! He looks so sweet! Hopefully, this new vet will take care of him better and he'll get well soon!
Oh no, I hope he gets better real soon.
Sorry to hear about Max, I as well hope he gets better soon.
Ouch! 2 grand at xmas-time. Hope he is better soon.
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