Our family did it's usual Christmas Eve tradition and went over to my husband's sister's house. At one time everyone use to come over but ever since the death of his mother 10 years ago it has gotten smaller. This is okay since he has a large family. Most Italian families do. My husband is the baby of the family and has 5 sister's and 1 brother. Having everyone pile into this small cape house in which belonged to his mother and now belongs to his sister. The year his mother died, she was going to stop doing this tradition but we talked her out of it and told her that her Mother would want her to continue the tradition. The family grew too much that it was hard to have everyone there at once. See, when I got married I gained 17 nephews in one day and I am a Great Aunt to 17 nephews as well. There are only 4/5 nieces I have on his side of the family. Anyway, it was pleasant. Then on Christmas day we go back over to the sister that had Christmas Even and exchange gifts with her. She is my husband real sister and the other 4 are his step-sister, and brother. Then off to his late Aunt's house for the traditional Christmas dinner. Of course we start off with appetizer then the 3 course meal. Santa was really nice this year.
My Max is doing well and home. He see's the Vet 2 times a week to make sure we are treating him properly and so far we are taking good care of our dog. We do keep him separated from the other's and got one of those playpen's for kids and let him walk around in that. We have gates all over our house. I feel like I am trying to keep my kids off of furniture etc. Well, I am. I bought new furniture and I am banding them from the living area. I also have new furniture down stairs as well. Since my husband spends his time down there he can watch the dogs carefully so that they do not make their new bed on our new furniture.
As we approach the New Year how many are setting those New Year Resoultions for themselves and what are they. I have only created at least 3 things since I don't want to set myself up to fail. 1. Loose 10 pounds. 2. Find a job 3. Redo the house in which I am in the process of doing so I am well on my way to accomplishing them.
Happy New Year....
Hi Sue, sounds like you had a good Christmas (don't you ever feel lost around all those relatives???) and are looking forward to the New Year...I am always a sucker and I always make these resolutions just because that's all I ever done at the beginning of the year. I'm glad Max continues to heal well, and good luck keeping the pooches off your new furniture! Take care, Linda
Glad you had a great christmas, now about those damm resolutions. I allways start mine about a month early as if I ate up a storm in december I would be starting 10lbs extra in jan. Did pretty good this year, did not over induldged over the holidays and have even managed to loose weight.
hope your resolutions come true next year, have a good one.
Sounds like you had a nice time...
Glad Max is doing ok...
Happy 2006!
17 nephews!!!! Whoa. I'm glad Max is better! Happy New Year!
Good luck with your resolutions, and Happy New Years!
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