
The Survey Says.....

This Town Sucks:

Our town has these stupid signs, flyers, banners, etc., all over town that says "My Town Name. survey.com Tell us what you think? Huh. Okay, I think I will and I go to the web site. They ask all these dumb questions about the library that they just built but they can't fix the dam High School. Okay, so I start taking the survey yet it is totally boring me half to death. I want to tell them what I think but there really isn't any place to do so.

Do not get me wrong about my town. I love this town but they just have inadequate things or events to do. I pay too much money on taxes for what? A huge ass library that I do not think that all the books they own will fill up the space and yet, they can't fix the High School or have more activities.

So, I can either sit here and bitch to you about it in which will do you no darn good because you don't live here or, I can voice my opinion and blab to anyone that is standing next to me in line what I think of the town. In fact, while I was at the gas station today I started voicing my opinion to the cashier. There that is a start.

How else can I voice what I think. Ah, perhaps a nice little letter to the Town paper. I think that would get printed. Not going to put my name in there as I probably would get the news crew here. Bad enough that I have the cops here almost on a daily base. Oh by the way, I get a phone call from the Police and ask if I want to support our local Police. As a matter of fact son's friend's Mom got one and we both laughed at them. Ya, we are supporting you and keeping you busy for sure. Hell, didn't you have fun at my house January 7th during that raid? And, don't our son's enjoy being harassed and arrested by you for stupid idiotic things. You got my support all right!

Anyway, the biggest beef I have with this town is the lack of activities for the teens. Oh sure, there is a teen center but they don't do anything for the teens. So, what else is there to do but stupid shit to get them arrested. And, no, the Police haven't been here in the last couple of weeks. Phew!

What is my plan? I have had this dream for several years now and I think it is a pretty good dam idea as this idea is popping up all over the place now. I told the cashier what this town needs is an Under 21 Night Club. My catch is this. The teens have to be a part of the night club. That means they would learn every aspect of how to run a business. Good education there. They have to come up with their own entertainment and get people to have bands there or perhaps have skits, poem night etc. There are people learning how to cook perhaps and make simple appetizers etc. They can have teens that can be bouncers to keep things in control. You get the idea? Most of all have a few adults there to help out should any problems or questions come up and the parents be involved.

How would one propose this to the town? Anyone have any ideas?


Neo said...

Dreamz - Hmmmmmmmmm what can ya do about it?

Does your down have a gun shop?

Just kidding..... LOL

The best thing you can do IS to do something anything. Like you said, if teens don't have something interesting to do they'll find some kind of trouble to get into.

I know one of the churches I used to go to growing up had "Teen Rec," nights that they used to put on so the neighborhood kids had someplace to go for some fun activities; and a little bit of church involved.

It was pretty fun, and it kept us off the streets.

Hopefully you'll come up with something to allow you to feel you've helped with a solution.

Oh, and cgrats on keeping the cops away. ;)

Peace & Hugs,

- Neo

Susan said...

It's a miracle huh. But, I think it's because mostly every weekend just about I have taken the boys out of town to Vermont.

I bet those cops are wondering where they went. My daughter was hoping one time the show up just so she can sassy mouth them and say something to the effect of they are out of town and cound't possibly do it. Yet, that opportunity never happened yet.

Skye said...

Hi! I think they have something like that here, not sure.

Twisted Cinderella said...

That sounds like a really great idea! A cool thing instead of doing what most people do, which is sit and do nothing.

tkkerouac said...

I love your thumbnail.

choochoo said...

I can't stand surveys. They make my brain feel all itchy...

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....