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Okay, I am going to contradict myself on a previous post that I had written about on crap that we keep in our home. I am guilty as charge. I too collect crap, and it is Moose stuff. It started off with Cows, and then one day out of the blue I saw this adorable moose and I was hooked. Everything I looked at was moose, moose, and more moose. My bedroom is filled with moose stuff. I don't know why I started this craze but those huge creatures of the wild are cute.

I have never seen a live Moose in Vermont. I am sure there are some around but I don't think as much as Maine does. I never realized how gigantic these animals are until I went into a museum in St. Johnsbury, Vermont and they had this huge ass moose in there. I wasn't sure I believed that the animal was that big and they just made that animal for show purpose. Ya, call me dumb-dumb here. So, I had to ask if indeed a moose was that dam big. Yup, it certainly is.

I was telling my girl friend at work about my moose collection and how I seen one at a museum and she has a house in Maine. She said that the only time she had seen one was dead on the side of the road. She went on to say that it was huge and she too didn't realize how huge they were. We both could only imagine the impact that car had sustain when they were approached by this moose. The damage must have been far greater than hitting a deer. Just hitting a deer can do some serious damage to your car. I know, one ran into me. That is another blog. But, a MOOSE! I am sure the car was completely totaled and I wondered about the people in that vehicle. Did they live and get hurt badly or die? One will never know on this one. Anyway, I am a Moose collector.

Just What Kind of Pumpkin Am I?

discover your jack-o-lantern face @ quiz me


The Right To Discipline

After having read someone's blog about the fact that her teenage son twisted his mothers arm after she gave him a little swat on the butt in which the kid is 13 years old still didn't give him the right to hurt his mother. This is what I had said in my comment.

Even if you gave him a little swat on the ass in which probably didn't even penetrated to his behind still didn't give him the right to twist your arm. If this was us when we were growing up and it didn't matter what age we were we would have had our face plastered up against the wall. It is called respecting your parents regardless if you are right or wrong in what you tell him. RESPECT! Kids today do not RESPECT what so ever and what makes it hard today in disciplining our children is the fact we aren't supposed to even spank the kid. So, why was it okay for our parents and guess what? We turned out okay and we learned to RESPECT! Abusing a kid is one thing but a swat on the ass or even a slap across the face will not damage our kid. It will let them know who the darn boss is in the house. How many kids abuse the parents these days and get away with it. Do we cry wolf when they do it to us? But, as soon as you do something to them they will have the phone and dialing 911 on us. This is what's wrong with the society...They get away with too much and we can't control our kids the way it should be done.

I have seen these whinny kids and here the mother is in this sweet nice tone saying "Now, Johnny that isn't nice" What the heck is that sweet talk going to do for the kid? I mean put a little stern tone in your voice if your going to tell him he wasn't behaving accordingly. Let him know who the boss is and let him know you will not tolerate that kind of behavior. Even though I have never had to spank my child I used a tone in my voice to let him know I mean business here. Even at my kids age now and that is 17 and 23 I am like "Who do you think your talking too!" Still they have no respect and that is my number one complaint.

I don't know, it is like throw your hands up and say "I give up!" Kids talk with guns today. My time it was either with words or our fist. At least the kid didn't die.

Useless Crap...

We are all guilty of collect excess stuff for the purpose of what? What purpose does that stuff do for us? At the time, when you bought it, it was cute, you just had to have it, you are a collector of those items, and the list goes on. Now, just take a look around your home with all this stuff. Are you using it? Do you actually have this stuff displayed for those that visit your home can see it? Or, is it stuffed in a closet and forgotten about? Then, one day we either sell our stuff on Ebay, give it away, have a tag sale, and plainly throw it away. We have just wasted how much money on useless shit. Pardon the pun.

When I worked at the craft store and I remember being on landing dock and watch the trucker pull out boxes and boxes of stuff that the store ordered and I think to myself. We are living for this crap. It is crap. Everything is crap if you ask me. Just useless crap that at one time made us happy when we bought it. There are some people that live for this crap or what ever crap they buy just to make themselves look good. The "I gotta keep up with the Jone's crap"

Think about this. After we are gone where do you think some of your years worth of collecting your crap is going to go. I bet the spouse will keep some and then throw out the rest of your crap or maybe sell it.

Our whole world is made up of more crap to make and sell just so we can survive. Businesses need you to buy crap just so they can earn money and without all this crap there is no money. So, it is safe to say we need all this crap in order for us to have money in our pockets. Everyone works, and we work to produce crap in order for someone to buy just so we can survive. How crappy is that?

I often think about the days when people lived just to survive. I am talking about the old days like the Frontier days, the Colonial days. Visualize your self in that era. No televisions, no phones, no electric heat, and here is a goodie NO COMPUTERS, etc. That is survival as they had to make due with what they had. There was more meaning of life back that. It was about family and working together just to survive. I think about stuff like that. One reason why I enjoy watching shows or movies like The Walton's, Little House on the Prairie, Dances with Wolves. Any type of show or move that takes us back in time. Think you can survive a day like this?

And, now, today what is the meaning of surviving? For more crap? No family values like back then. Today is too complicated, too stressful, too many choices and we wonder why it sees everyone has gone mad.

We have forgotten about the more simpler things in life that have meaning. The other thing I think about is this; take a person from the time era that I had mentioned above and try to imagine what they are thinking if you could place them here today. I know, there would be some things that person would love about today and bring back with them. Things like, electricity, stove, a phone perhaps, a washing machine & dryer. You know the important things that we really need. Now, if you were places in their time era what would you bring back with you? I can just see your expressions now...ah nothing! Why? Too difficult to live back then huh. We have everything we need so what thing would I need in the past to bring back here now. Perhaps. I already said what I would have and that is having a family that respects one another and working together to survive. The kids respected the parents and in return the parents respected their kids. Think about how they entertained themselves.

Anyway, what prompt me to say all this? Well, I was cleaning my room and noticed all this crap in my room that has what dam meaning other than just useless crap. Now, as I was dusting I have a piece of ceramic cats that I have had since I was in 5th grade. And, here I am almost 48. Ya, many moons ago. Why do I have them? Those cats were given to me from a boy that drew my name. He seems to stand out among all my friends when I was younger only because he made me laugh and we often got into trouble that the teacher placed us in the front of the class so she can keep an eye out on us in which really didn't help. I think made him do more stupid things like laughing at the word Amsterdam. Why? Back then we couldn't say DAM! That is my useless crap that I treasure.

Where's My Oil?

Hello, can I have 150 gallons of oil delivered to me tomorrow (for Tuesday). Sure no problem. Four o'clock rolls around. Hello, did you forget about me. "No" and I waited around until 6:00. Hello, where is my oil. "When did you call?" "Monday afternoon." "Well, there is a 24 hour call in period for oil to be delivered the next day." "Ah, I have been told by 2 people that it would be delivered today [Tuesday) and now your telling me it will be for tomorrow. "Yup" "I think you should have a meeting with the employees and get policy straight and furthermore, no one told me that there was a 24 hr. call in period to get oil the next day" and I hung up.

Hum, it's 10:19 am -- no oil yet! WTBF! ( What the Bloody Fuck) I haven't had this problem with them for nearly 3 years that I switched with them. Is everyone getting really ANAL! Furthermore, I have called in the day before and got oil the next day and it didn't matter what time I called.


Pets, aren't they wonderful? They help you in so many ways, and almost better than our kids do.

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Sometimes they can cook for you.

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They will protect our little ones while they sleep.

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And, they will protect the small ones.

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This is the way you relax!

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They will converse with each other.

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They will help you when you are down.

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They are great for decorating the house.

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They have great expectations.

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They are Patriotic.

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They are happy to test the water for you.

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They just love their teddy.

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They know who the boss is.

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They know when we need a good laugh.

It is all done by moving the corners of the mouth upward.
Let me show you how....

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I hope I made you smile!


When I first started being on the Internet I had created so many passwords to many sites and dumb, dumb me would make them all different. I thought to myself, how on earth am I going to remember my ID Name and password. Ah, so I created a file to store all my passwords. This comic is a reminder of the many brain farts I have. I have become smarter as time goes on. I have learned to KISS ( Keep It Simple Stupid ) them all.

The Longest Yard

I usually watch a movie before I go to bed every night. Well, I had gone to bed around 1 and said I watch a little of the movie and then turn in. Nope, I stayed up and watched the whole dam movie and it ended up being well after 3 that I went to bed.

The Longest yard is a new version of the original with Burt Reynolds and Burt Reynolds did play in this movie as well. Starring Adam Sandler, and Chris Rock. Adam impressively assumes the role of Reynolds well with the strong support of Reynolds himself. Both versions are equally good but for some reason or another I liked the new version better. I found it being funnier and who can be funny? Sandler and Rocks. This is a movie that I like to add to my DVD collection and a worth while movie to see.



You know how when you were a kid and your parents lined you up against the door frame and marked how tall you were and dated that mark?

Well, now, today, as we get older we can do a different kind of measurement!

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Christmas Tree Shop

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It's a store around here that originated in Massachusetts I think in the Nantucket or Cape Cod. We have a few of the stores in Connecticut as well. It isn't just Christmas stuff. You will find things from all seasons, furniture, kitchen stuff, books, and a lot of odds and ends at really good prices.

My husband loves the store. Yes, unbelievable that my husband doesn't mind going to this store with me. In fact he suggested it. Of course I jumped to it. He mingles in the kitchen stuff and is always finding stuff to buy and it doesn't cost much either. Like tonight he found a set of three size strainers for $4.99. I picked up a deep dish pie plate for $3.99. We have bought many different serving dishes, set of glasses, dishes etc. Not to mention we find Christmas ornaments, decorations, Thanksgiving stuff, Halloween right now. It is an addition to go in there because the merchandise is different every time you go in there. So, if you don't pick it up right away you aren't going to find it the next time you go there. It has happened to us many times.

We are pretty good not over doing it on spending on too much crap. I like to keep the budget under $50 in which I have seen people spend well over $100 + and that is easily done. I usually go in there in the fall. Sometimes I go in there during spring time and find things for BBQ and some miscellaneous things but for the most part I spend very little.

My Dogs

This is King - A Brindle - He is so gentle! People
love him as he greets you with love and excitement.

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Reyna - Female - She is my
aggressive one.

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Keyla aka Boon Koon - This
is King's daughter.

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Max - Yellow Lab/Golden Ret.
He is our first dog.

I have 4 dogs - 3 of them are Pitt Bulls. Now before you start gawking about Pitts they are just like any other dog that can be mean and it is how you treat them. My dogs are spoiled rotten babies. I am a major animal lover and I will not tolerate a mean dog so, I bring them up with so much love that they know how to give it back. Yes, a dog can get mean and turn on anyone if treated wrong. I just don't believe a dog will attack anyone unless they are provoked in some way. Now, I have one dog that doesn't like hats for some reason and anyone that comes in my home has to remove their hat and then she is fine. She is a female and females are more aggressive than the males. Reyna, that is her name is put into a cage any time a new person comes into my home because people tend to be afraid of her and for our protection. The other dogs are more willing to let a darn robber in the house and fix them dinner.

Last year, King was hit by a car right before Christmas. We were so devastated yet, he lived. He sustained $4,000 damages done to his leg that he has a metal rod. He limps, but this doesn't stop him from running, jumping, and catching balls or frizbees. He is a whinny dog and cries all the time. I never met a cray baby until he came into the family. I have learned Pitt Bulls are like that and they can not stand being separated from family members. The love people, the are comical animals. If you read about them to understand them you will find that they are the most lovable dog, and very loyal dog right next to the Labs and Golden Ret. We gave up our Christmas pretty much to pay for the surgery he had to go through and being at the Vet for most of the week. Had the top Vet surgeon in the state fix our boy up.

You can see Boon Koon as I call her is our newest addition. She was born the day her daddy was having surgery. She is a Christmas doggie. She is a complete riot to watch along with the rest of them. The three of them as they are pack dogs stick together and of course have their moments of spats like we do and I have to give them my evil eye and they stop.

Reyna, as I said she is my aggressive one. She is Boon Koon's half sister. They are just a year apart. Reyna is a Thanksgiving Dog. Oh King is a 4th of July dog. And, my Max is a Thanksgiving dog as well.

Do they get along? For the most part but we keep Max and King separated as we have seen some hairy fights between the two. Who comes out the winner most of the time? Max, the Lab. Surprised? You would think it be the Pitt Bull. Well, there are several kinds of Pitts. King and Boon Koon are not red nose Pitts as one would call them. They tend to be calmer or at least I think so. Reyna is a red nose Pitt, the more aggressive of the breed. Reyna if she were to chop down on you she will lock her jaws and will not let go. For the other two they won't. Reyna can't jump while King and Boon can. Reyna is built bigger and stronger looking of the two. This is why we have signs all around our property and cage her when needed. We also have breaking sticks in varies corners of the rooms should a fight break out.

Will my house ever be robbed? Probably not, as every one that knocks on the door are already freaking out from hearing 4 different barks.


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I have had this blog right when I was searching for blogs and at the present time I wasn't too keen about Blogspot. I have been with Blogster for some time now. Just recently, the owner sold his blogsite and some people are freaking out as they do not want to see any changes. I for one really don't care if they change it or not as I can adapt to changes well as I am forever changing something because I get bored easily. Probably why I have about 4 blogs. Two of them being for my website and the other 2 personal like this one.

I think Blogspot will find many of Blogster people coming here just in case. It is easier to navagate on blogster and people can find you easier than Blogspot. It will take time adjusting to Blogspot and I like challenges so who knows what I will make of this blog. So, I have a lot of learning to do and by George I will learn a few tricks on here.

Feels Like Fall...

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I like waking up to nice cool and crisp mornings. The thermometer read 58 degrees in here. Of course my husband is like "It's dam cold" "No, I don't think so" I tell him and he knows I love this type of weather. I probably can survive being in Alaska. The only thing I do not like about fall is that my allergies are the worse at this time. A time I like to enjoy but them darn ragweeds and what ever else is driving my sinus up the wall.

I wonder what it looks like at my camp in Vermont. I bet it is starting to look really nice. I have noticed here, in CT that some of the leaves are changing however, I noticed that the leaves are dropping before changing. Makes me wonder just what kind of winter we will have. Last winter was so dam cold. Too cold that it just didn't really snow. I love snow, but I do not like driving in it. I am probably the worst driver only because I panic too easily so, it is best that someone like me stays the hell off the road. One winter, we had so much black ice it was so dam scary. One time, I had my son with me and we were heading down a hill and the road got icy with in seconds. Kind of reminds me of the movie The Day After. There I was stuck on this hill and did a complete 360 degree spin and narrowly missed a stone wall. I think my heart jumped out of my body and hung out on the side of the road waiting for me to get a grip of myself. The next day and the day after that I was too scared to get in my car. It is one thing to do a turn like that when nothing is in your path but I had everything in my path. A stone wall, a car, my son in the car, a tree, and a million other things and not one dam scratch on the car. It is funny how you can instantly react in a certain way under these kind of conditions. Mind over matter!

So, this brings to the question of just what kind of winter we shall have here. I know that I am freaking out over the oil prices for one. I guess I need to look at the Farmers Almanac to see what they say.

What A PITA!

I just to wipe out my entire blog since for some unknown stupid reason it kept pushing down my sidebar and I must have spend countless hours trying to figure out why and try to fix but it just wouldn't and the only thing left was to hit that delete button in which was hard for me to do because I really didn't want to start over. I got smart and saved some of the blogs I read and pasted them on word for the moment. I felt better.

Since I am kindof new to Blogspot and learning how to do some of these things as I go along. That's the fun part being challenged to learn something new and get pissed along the way but keep tackling it until I get it. That is the reward by getting it.

Anyway, have a good day.