I am really scared for my Max, the Yellow Lab/Golden. I had turned in for bed and decided to watch the new movie bewitched and all of a sudden Max had a really bad bloody nose again. So, my husband and I are cleaning up the massive blood all over the place. We put cold water up against his nose and the bleeding stopped.
Finally the movie was over and I went to sleep. Boon, the younger dog go up and was by the door. I sensed she knew there was something wrong and she was right. She could smell Max bleeding again. I was freaking out at 3:30 in the morning with all this blood. We finally got it to stop. It would even get worse when he shook his head making blood go every where.
I got up around 6:30 and once again cleaning the dog up again. I had to go back to sleep. I am just getting up and having coffee now and need to jump into the shower and then will call the Vet since I had put him in the cage in which forces him to lay down so he won't bleed.
I am really, really scared to take him to the Vet. Last time I went was last year around Christmas when King got hit by a car. And, then the other time was to put my Katie down. I am afraid of what they are going to tell me about Max. Hubby asked if I could do this alone. Ah, NO! First, what if he starts bleeding again and what if they tell me something really bad and I won't be able to handle it like when they told me Katie had cancer. Nope, not going through it alone.
I am hoping it is dry air. And, no, we do not have our heat on and we do not have forced air heat. We have been using the fireplace. It seems that every time I let Max out and he comes back in his nose starts to bleed.
I called the Vet...they are off today. I will continue to watch him and so far he is okay. If it keeps up I will put in a emergency call.
A friend of mine said he could have nose mites or that his allergies are dripping down his nasal cavity. Could be.
As some of you know I also blog over Blogster. Seems that Blogster finally made their change over. However, at first it was a little difficult to navigate around like here it was at first. They censor your comments to make sure you do not swear and if you do they put ### in it. Many people over there are really upset over the Freedom Of Speech. While I agree with them on that. Now, some were testing the water in comments and all of a sudden they got booted with out warning. I really don't think that was fair. They could have this 3 warning notice out. But this didn't seem like the case. So, a few of my friends that already blog here on blogspot have been booted over there.
I suppose if this keeps up the new owners will loose a lot of people and the whole darn blogsite will end up coming over here.
It is pitiful.
Yep, even one warning would have been nice.
Poor puppy. Hope he is okay. Give him some extra love....
Well, it is done, I have effectively called them all fucking cocksuckers, when they killed gooner, that was it...if you want to view it you better go there in a hurry
I'll add you and Max to my prayer list.
Sorry to hear about Max. . . That is so strange. Hope he gets beter soon.
I am officially dead at Blogster, but I went down swinging. I just couldn't stand what they were doing any longer.
It snowed again last night. Seems to be about 3 inches.It's supposed to warm up a bit today. It never got out of the teens on Thursday and only 21 yesterday. I hate winter. . .
Praying for you and Max and your family.
Hey, hope your doggy gets better. I hate to hear that stuff. Maybe the vet's the thing to do; better safe than sorry, and all that.
Oh my god!!! I am worried about the Lab!! And Personally, from what I hear, Blogster can suck a big one now. They are out of control. It sounds like they were purchased by high school kiddies!!
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