I had crawled to bed around 11:00 and watched my usual show every night - MASH and set the timer on the TV so that it goes off automatically in case I fall a sleep.
I woke up around 6:00 to let the dogs out. To my surprise we had about 3 inches of snow. Now, I love snow and all but I think this came like a month too early.
I think I did read here online in the Farmer's Almanac that we would possibly get a white Thanksgiving. I am just curious how many people are swearing right now because they have to travel today. Probably not far but far enough in the snow and probably don't have their snow tires on yet. I think most people put them on around Thanksgiving. Well, people your a little too late! LOL!
Something weird happened last night as I was preparing for bed. I had looked at my Golden Retriever and he was rubbing his nose with his paw. At first, I thought his paw was bleeding but I looked closer and he had a bloody nose. Is it possible that a dog's nose becomes so dry like ours does and bleeds? This is what I am thinking. I was almost afraid to go to sleep fearing that when I woke up the dog would be dead. That wouldn't have been good loosing another animal on a holiday like last year I lost my cat on Christmas Day.
Dreamz -No snow here in Philly yet. It might flurried a bit over night.
I can't wait for the snow, I have a spot near me that is going to look awesome when the snow lands. I'll post lots of pictures.
Maybe the air is dry and your dog is congested? That happens to humans sometimes. But you might wanna call your vet and ask just in case.
You have a happy and safe thanksgiving!
Blogster booted me too this morning both the blogs...Guess they don't want people who fuss...
The heater might be up too high, with all the cooking, there's proably no moisture in the house.
Hi Sue, just dropping by to say Happy Thanksgiving (even if it is late,lol)Me and Lady have rented a condo over this way and depending on what goes on in the old neighbourhood, I might buy the place...BTW, your blog is just beautiful, you are sooooclever! hugz, Linda
Poor puppy!!! Maybe something is stuck in his nose??? I dunno. Hope he's okay.
Snow! That's white and fluffy looking stuff, right? I've seen it before. Send it down here!!! :)
Oh, my snowy Thanksgivings are over. That and still worrying about it on Easter, ugh!
I don't know what would make a dogs nose bleed. That are always supposed to be so wet. Hm.
Maybe your dog has a cold or is getting one. Hope he is OK.
The snow missed us as we are a bit more south of the Great Lakes. The clipper that came down sure smacked us with cold temps. It was nine degrees wind chill and is still going down.
If you want to use rudolph, go ahead. No problems.
I love what you've done around here....looks good.
Poor dog!!! Maybe she scraped in on something. The doggie I live with does sometimes, running around in the yard!! But not so bad that she bleeds!
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