My husband and I decided to go to Bob's Furniture store and we picked out some living room and downstairs furniture that we want. We will make the final decision next week.
This is what we have picked out. I was trying to persuade him to go with this nice green or beige. Nope, the country red is what he wanted. Don't get me wrong I love the color too. I already have hunter green trim in the living room with beige walls in which need to be repainted anyway. So perhaps the red will go with it as it is a country red and not red, red. We also added a few more pieces of furniture; a wing chair with an ottoman. I didn't like the table and end table because they were glass. Now, if I didn't have any dogs that didn't rough house then I would have stuck with the glass tables so I want some wood table instead. Now, lets just hope they don't eat that. LOL!
We then checked out bedroom sets for my son but will let him decide what he wants.
On our way home we stopped at Best Buy since it was their Grand Opening. Just window shopping. He stops at the BIG TV's. Me, I am over by the computer software and digital cameras and then went over to the appliances and looked at stoves, washing machines, dryers, and refrigerators.
Sheesh, I think our eyeball just spent close to $8,000 -- $9,000 in what 3 hours. LOL!
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells oh what fun it is to shop the night away Hey!
Get this, my son and husband want a pool table. While I think it is cool but it takes up too much room. My husband said that every time our son goes to the teen center this is what he does. Oh, and I thought it was to attract the cops up here. LOL
Max made it through the night without a nose bleed thank goodness. Although, I will say that when I let him out before bed he came back in with a slight bloody nose and I quickly put an ice pack on it and it stopped. See, he was fine all day going in and out but once the temperature dropped his nose started bleeding. This is why I was saying before it has to do with the coldness outside. You know how when you go outside and if it is cold the hairs in your nose get frozen? Well, I think this is like what is happening to him. The dog is 5 years old our age but in dog age is 35.
Last night I had to get my son in which he met up with me at the end of the road at the gas station. He was with 6 other guys. I had gone into the store and two of the cashiers know me. They were telling me that my son and his friends came in and one of them was really rude and called one of them a Bitch. I asked if it was my son. They were quick to say no and that every time he comes in he is the quiet one and would just laugh. Of course I said sounds like him as he is like me. I would be the one that would laugh when I was younger and yet I would be the one that got in trouble for laughing. Anyway, after our conversation I had gone outside where all the boys were and gave them a speech about RESPECTING. Told them when I was their age regardless if I agreed with my parents or my elders I respected them and I strongly suggested them to follow that rule. I told that rule was taught to me in church. I said honor thy parents and respect thy elders as I also said that I was almost 50 years old and I still respect my Mother even if I didn't agree with her. It is just a Cardinal rule that I follow. I told them that people will respect them if they are respecting others and they won't get kicked out of places. I wondered if they walked way saying that I was a bitch? Probably.
I am so confused with the fact Thursday being a holiday and today is Saturday and I thought it was Sunday. This old age crap is getting worse. LOL!
Nice choice in furniture, sounds like good news for Max. I vote pool table but I'm bias so it doesn't count unless I'm in FLA. The guys proably did say that but you never know maybe not. I'm all confused on the days also but then that's not unusual for me.(LOL)
Beautiful parlor set, it's always good to have a change...
Ah yes, shopping... where your eyes are always bigger than your wallet. That happens to me all the time... along with that age thing about missing days. Too funny!
I'm not a huge red fan but that is a beautiful set. Eye shopping is much safer than actually pulling out the cabbage, lol!
The red couches look cozy.
"Told them when I was their age regardless if I agreed with my parents or my elders I respected them and I strongly suggested them to follow that rule." = That's a great rule to follow.
I like the furniture, very dramatic. So is the dog okay??? And as for those kids, I am glad you said it, who cares what they think?? It was good to say it to them!!!
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