
Wanting to Write...

I have always wanted to write a book and I keep saying that. I can remember clearly standing in my living room when I use to live in NJ saying this to my father. He had just finished reading a report that I had written. He said it was good but my grammar was terrible.

My father always gripped about how there were too many illiterate people out there, the schools fail to teach English properly, and not enough of it. Now, you are talking about the 1970s here that he made that statement to me.

My parents shoved so much English tutoring down my throat you would think I can write properly by now. I know, I am very conscience of my writing, and if I am using it properly. Am I putting the commas in the right place would be one example. My father always said the best thing to do is to read what you wrote out loud. If I am reading my sentence without taking a breath, there has to be a comma put some where. I don't know if that rule of thumb still applies or if anyone has ever heard of it.

You see, my father is a genius. He was tested when he was young. He skipped several grades. He has a photographic memory.

My father did a lot of interviewing job applications when he worked at Mobil Oil Corp. in NY, and he was so disgusted with the many applications he had to view. The people that were applying for the job had gone to good colleges, and they couldn't spell right. He couldn't understand it. So, when it was my time to go to college he pressed more English on me, and he actually drove from CT to NJ to talk to the counselors and made them tutor me in more English. I was in the office with him when he was talking to my counselor. I remember my counselor saying to him that the college didn't offer grammar. This really pissed my father right off. So, he said to the counselor that she was going to tutor me and he would be glad to pay what ever fee for this. So, again, I got more English shoved at me.

This brings me to the point of telling my father how I wanted to be a writer. I can still visualize him standing in front of me saying "And, how do you propose to do that when your grammar stinks?" Of course, me being a smart ass said "Why do you think we have editors?"

I see in blogspot we have many people who are writers. Perhaps I can take some advice, pay attention, and learn something from all the fantastic writers that I have read so far here on blogspot. I didn't even know what some of the writer's were talking about when they had abbreviated NNWM. So, I had clinked onto a link that lead me there. I can't even imagine trying to write a 175 pg. novel in one month. Talk about pressure.


Dana said...

I was always a book worm and I always wanted to write, but it is easier said than done, right?

My mother is an English major and is my "editor". I shoot things past her all the time.

As for NaNoWriMo, this is my first year to attempt it. If I don't meet the challenge, at least I will have gotten further than if I had not tried.

Susan said...

Well, you have your very own built in editor. Wish my father was around still to be mine.

Dana said...

He sounds like he was a great person and that he wanted the best for you. (hugs)

Gammys Perspective said...

I think it's safe to say that all bloggers have a desire to write that special something. But we also have a need to express what makes us us as individuals with unique lives, styles, ideas, etc. To me expression is the very essence of life whether written or oral. I am an abolutely horrid speller, but I worry not about the structure of a sentence. Be it a posting on Blog Spot or a novel, we're writer wannabees in the making.

Jay said...

There's still time to join NaNoWriMo... and we can compare horror stories and guilt trips if you do!

Mise en Place said...

Now, MY grammar AND spelling stinks, please. I'm told that all the time. Your Dad sounds like he was an amazing man with a remarkable gift. He wanted you to excel to your fullest ability I'm sure, and wanted the people in their positions to see that it happen.

I say WRITE the BOOK! I'd buy it. I enjoy reading you now. Very funny, great entertainment.

However,if you ever get stranded in the Ozarks, you will DIE! DIE I say. You missed 3,4 6,7,8 and 10. That gives you only a 40% chance of survival, lol! You will no be able to communicate with them at all.

Thanks for playing and we have a lovely parting gift waiting back stage.


Anhoni Patel said...

Do NaNoWriMo!! Do it!

Neo said...

Blogd - I go mad when I see typo's in my blog entry. Even worse when I read the comment sections. I get good giggle myself when I look over certain apps that people drop off.

Scottish Toodler said...

Do it!! Write!!! The grammer and stuff will sort it out in the re-writes. (Most of writing is re-writing). OF COURSE YOU CAN!!! Don't listen to your dad or anyone else!!!