Who granted the job of cleaning the refrigerator out to a woman? Like, everyone goes into the refrigerator and takes food out and puts food back in. Everyone is likely to spill something but no one wants to clean it up and leaves it up to Mom. Do they say to them selves "Oh, Mom will clean that up so let's just leave it there?" Like WTF? No one can bother getting the sponge and wipe up their spill? Oh no, that is just way too much effort and the time. Geez, I will waste 5 minutes of my dam precious life cleaning up after my self.
No wonder men need woman more than a woman needs a man. Hell, their Mom's did it for them so then they graduate from Mommy and move onto a wife to do their shit. But, who cleans up after us? Like, no one! Ask them and they all run out the door, through the window, and just slither away from your request leaving you standing there asking yourself why ask a simple favor or request?
Take the toilet for example. Why should us woman clean up their piss that they have splattered all over the floor, the walls, and who the hell knows where else? I haven't even thought of looking up the ceiling yet to see if they manage to spray up there. When they pee they can't even bother to look where they are peeing. Oh should there be a window there. They are looking out the window while they are peeing. No window, that's okay, they stare at the ceiling or the wall but never at the toilet. Now, it really doesn't bother me that the seat is up because they will protest and say why can't you leave the seat up for us. So, it's not worth the argument there because it is an endless one. But come on, is it that hard to aim into a rather large hole there and piss in the toilet? For Christ sake it's not like their pee is a mile wide here! It is a long, very narrow stream that can be easily aimed into the toilet.
How about this. The people in your family can make this big ass meal but they can't clean up their big ass mess? Too much effort. Isn't there more effort making the meal? Done with the dishes? Just put it in the sink. Too much effort to open the dishwasher. Ah, dirty laundry. Ah, just drop your clothes right next to the basket. Well, I ended the laundry doing many years ago. You want something clean...Frickin Do it Yourself! Unless, you do have little kids. We don't want to teach them that yet as they are libel to dump the whole detergent box in the washing machine.
So in general, men couldn't care less if they walked into a dirty home because they sure as hell aren't going to scrub the floors, dust the furniture, vacuum under the couch, chair, the cobwebs etc. Maybe vacuum the area but that is it. Oh here is a beef my husband has and I am sure many husbands do this. "Honey, where is the ketchup, socks the whatever?" Wife "You will find the ketchup right behind the Mayonnaise." The wife can tell you exactly where it is. He needs to see things right in front of him otherwise, he doesn't see it at all. So, they want all items lined up in a row. In their fat dreams. I am curious how many men wear glass more than woman do?
Anyway, so I spent over an hour cleaning the dam refrigerator. Productive day wouldn't you say?
MEN, get your own Cinderella to do your work!
Men are pigs!
wanna clean my fridge?
LOL! I got so furious with the two of them I left the dishes for one solid month, they had the nerve to whinne there's no plates. Yes there is right where you left it! The new rule around here is you use something anything clean it and put back where it belongs.** You are very clever with your site. I'm jealous! :}
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