What prompts us to do stupid things I will never know but, I will have to say some things are just down right funny. It was during the year of 1977. The year that I had got abducted by aliens and lived to tell about it. Boy if my mother heard or, seen some of the things that I have done she would have buried herself by now. In which reminds me, we never know what are kids are doing either, and I don''''t wanna know. Maybe it is why we are the way we are with our kids because of the idiot things we have done. Although, the things we have done didn''''t hurt anyone or, at least I hope they didn''''t other than ourselves.
Anyway, if anyone was abducted by UFO''''s it was my friend, and I. Who the hell knows what we were thinking, and frankly, I have no dam clue what made us do this but, I will tell you we must have been so dam bored out of our minds, and yes, stoned out of our minds. It was July 1977, my parents had gone to our summer camp, and I was back at home in CT. The two of us literally dressed ourselves up like aliens. For those of you that are in their 40s do you remember those outfits that looked aluminum foil that people wore to try to sweat out their fat in hopes to loose weight? Don''''t ask, but the two of us had them. We put those stupid outfits on in the middle of July, and it is hot as hell outside. We then painted our faces green, put on a ski hat, and stuck a wire through the hat for antennas. At the end of the wire we had taken aluminum foil, rolled them into balls and attached them to the wire. We are now ALIENS! Ah, I am not done yet, the best part to come. What do we do? We actually got in the car, and headed to the bar. Let me tell you the kind of stares we got on our way. Oh, we forgot we had to stop at the store to get cigarettes, and the two of us sat in our car completely stoned out of our minds, and laughing so hard at what we were doing. We were plainly fucked up! We both went in, stood at the counter, and asked for a pack of Newport. That poor guy at the counter wasn''''t even sure he wanted to give them to us or, he sure thought that we were aliens, or we were one fucked up piece of meat. He was right about it all, and asked what in gods name were we doing? The only thing that came to our minds was “Would you believe we are going to a Masquerade party?” Needless to say, he didn''''t believe us. People that had come into the store were stepping like 10 feet back from us, and I am sure they thought we needed to be institutionalize or something. Something would be more like it. Well, we had decided that we had freaked too many out as it was and went home to change back into our normal clothes.
Again, tell me, what prompts us to do such idiot things I will never know. Oh don''''t go blaming the pot either. LOL! But do I regret it? Absolutely not! I had so much fun, I didn''''t hurt anyone, I made a few people laugh, and a few people wonder!
LOL! The things we did when stoned. I don't think I was ever this creative, though.
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM LMAO AT WORK!!! I swear you are killing me!! This is the funniest story ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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