Spiders just creep me out. Actually, most people get creeped out on spiders. Because I live in the woods I get spiders. Now, I had gone into the bathroom and what do I find? A big black, long legged spider. That's it, I went outside and hosed down the dam house killing all the darn spider eggs that I can see. There, that should do it for awhile. I bet they are really, really pissed off now.
I hate them too! I think She-Lob has been living at my house. The spiders are HUGE this year.
Thanks for dropping by.
Uh huh, here in LA we are surrounded by black widows. They are everywhere! When I was nineteen I got bit by a brown recluse so I a super scared of spider bites. But living out here I have gotten used to just checking EVERYTHING (outside) before I pick it up. But we have alot of indoor ones too. I don't like spiders either.
After doing a power wash on the outside of the house yesterday what did I find staring at me last night in front of my computer. Yes, an ugly white spider. Dam, there afer me!
The only thing I like less than spiders are clowns (I'm terrified of those!) but luckily here in the UK we don't have poisonous ones.
The thought of having killer spiders wandering about is very scary!!!
Funnily enough I do enjoy watching "Arachnaphobia" and "Eight Legged Freaks", perhaps because they all die at the end.
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