But, you know what? I didn't become like that over night. It all started with my fucked up body going into menopause a tad bit early. Each year it is something different. This year is "I've Lost My Mind" and I have. It started of with the hot/cold sweats, then the slowly no more periods, then it becomes "Where did my fucking brain go?", "I suffer from CRS (Can't remember shit), and I already told you I am in the stage of "I am going nuts". Now, as the year winds down I am just a tad bit curious what next year brings me. I am almost afraid to find out. My poor husband he doesn't know if he too is coming and going. I over heard him talking to my daughter about this. He asks her how long will she go through this shit - almost asking how long does he have to put up with this shit? She tells him it can last for 10 years. Something she read she told him. All you can hear him say was "10 years!" I don't think I can last that long. I am thinking here you ...What about me? I have to live with this shit here and I don't even like myself any more. Rather, I don't know who I am any more. It's awful. I won't take those hormone replacement shit. It is about aging gracefully. The woman from yester years didn't have stuff to help them get through it and by golly I really don't need any more foreign shit in my body other than my Wellbutrin thank you. So, I guess, I have to put up with this crap until it is over. Dam, I have about 6 more years to go. LOL! If it lasts 10 years!
I hear you. Been there done that. I was on Wellbutrin and had to get off of it because it raised my blood pressure. Anyway after the first couple years it does get easier. Little by little your mind will return and your emotions will completely change. You probably don't want to hear about where they will go, do you? However, it is a lot more fun than where you are now. Others may think you have gone totally bezerk, but you will have a good time.
Have you tried some of the menopause recipes about? A couple of my aunts make a cake which they feel helps. I know it has different nuts in it.
Not sure if this is the one but it's probably similar to it.
cake recipe
I understand about not wanting to take medication for it, maybe something like that might help a bit :-)
It doesnt last ten years, does it? Oh Man!
I feel like that picture A LOT! feel better soon.
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