
The Right To Discipline

After having read someone's blog about the fact that her teenage son twisted his mothers arm after she gave him a little swat on the butt in which the kid is 13 years old still didn't give him the right to hurt his mother. This is what I had said in my comment.

Even if you gave him a little swat on the ass in which probably didn't even penetrated to his behind still didn't give him the right to twist your arm. If this was us when we were growing up and it didn't matter what age we were we would have had our face plastered up against the wall. It is called respecting your parents regardless if you are right or wrong in what you tell him. RESPECT! Kids today do not RESPECT what so ever and what makes it hard today in disciplining our children is the fact we aren't supposed to even spank the kid. So, why was it okay for our parents and guess what? We turned out okay and we learned to RESPECT! Abusing a kid is one thing but a swat on the ass or even a slap across the face will not damage our kid. It will let them know who the darn boss is in the house. How many kids abuse the parents these days and get away with it. Do we cry wolf when they do it to us? But, as soon as you do something to them they will have the phone and dialing 911 on us. This is what's wrong with the society...They get away with too much and we can't control our kids the way it should be done.

I have seen these whinny kids and here the mother is in this sweet nice tone saying "Now, Johnny that isn't nice" What the heck is that sweet talk going to do for the kid? I mean put a little stern tone in your voice if your going to tell him he wasn't behaving accordingly. Let him know who the boss is and let him know you will not tolerate that kind of behavior. Even though I have never had to spank my child I used a tone in my voice to let him know I mean business here. Even at my kids age now and that is 17 and 23 I am like "Who do you think your talking too!" Still they have no respect and that is my number one complaint.

I don't know, it is like throw your hands up and say "I give up!" Kids talk with guns today. My time it was either with words or our fist. At least the kid didn't die.


The Daily Rant said...

Boy, you have some great topics! I am APPALLED by the behavoir of kids today. Screaming, kicking, running, mouthy, sassy, disrespectful children all over the place. Sometimes I wish I could smack them.

Parents are too worried these days about how they're going to "look" or that they aren't being "fair" to their kids. They don't take away any privileges or entertainment. They let them do or have whatever they want. And those kids just grow up to be snotty, demanding adults.

My mother was a big fan of the wooden spoon. If we so much as LOOKED at her in a disrespectful way, we'd get a wack. When I was 16, my mother backhanded me in the mouth because I talked back to her in not a VERY disrespectful way. Her enormous ring clipped me right in the mouth and chipped my tooth. I deserved it.

My parents were wonderful. They taught us great manners, morals and values. But my mother did use the spoon and it was effective.

It is different now. Kids do use guns to solve problems. They do attack their parents. But I really believe that if they had the discipline they should have had from a very young age, they wouldn't be like that.

AndyT13 said...

I couldn't agree more. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Of course, I haven't any of my own so what do I know? However, I was a well behaved kid because I knew if I wasn't I'd get my ass kicked or otherwise be apropriately and severely punished. Mom only laid a hand on me about 3 times my whole life and let me tell you that was plenty. Other punishments (like grounding) were stuck to and therefore known to be severe.
Bah. No wife; no kids; going sailing.

Unknown said...

I was the youngest of four girls in our family and believe me after I saw my sisters get wacked with the old wooden spoon I did not want any part of it. I think I only was slapped once by my dad and maybe once by my Mom, but watching the older ones made me a really respectful daughter.