
Useless Crap...

We are all guilty of collect excess stuff for the purpose of what? What purpose does that stuff do for us? At the time, when you bought it, it was cute, you just had to have it, you are a collector of those items, and the list goes on. Now, just take a look around your home with all this stuff. Are you using it? Do you actually have this stuff displayed for those that visit your home can see it? Or, is it stuffed in a closet and forgotten about? Then, one day we either sell our stuff on Ebay, give it away, have a tag sale, and plainly throw it away. We have just wasted how much money on useless shit. Pardon the pun.

When I worked at the craft store and I remember being on landing dock and watch the trucker pull out boxes and boxes of stuff that the store ordered and I think to myself. We are living for this crap. It is crap. Everything is crap if you ask me. Just useless crap that at one time made us happy when we bought it. There are some people that live for this crap or what ever crap they buy just to make themselves look good. The "I gotta keep up with the Jone's crap"

Think about this. After we are gone where do you think some of your years worth of collecting your crap is going to go. I bet the spouse will keep some and then throw out the rest of your crap or maybe sell it.

Our whole world is made up of more crap to make and sell just so we can survive. Businesses need you to buy crap just so they can earn money and without all this crap there is no money. So, it is safe to say we need all this crap in order for us to have money in our pockets. Everyone works, and we work to produce crap in order for someone to buy just so we can survive. How crappy is that?

I often think about the days when people lived just to survive. I am talking about the old days like the Frontier days, the Colonial days. Visualize your self in that era. No televisions, no phones, no electric heat, and here is a goodie NO COMPUTERS, etc. That is survival as they had to make due with what they had. There was more meaning of life back that. It was about family and working together just to survive. I think about stuff like that. One reason why I enjoy watching shows or movies like The Walton's, Little House on the Prairie, Dances with Wolves. Any type of show or move that takes us back in time. Think you can survive a day like this?

And, now, today what is the meaning of surviving? For more crap? No family values like back then. Today is too complicated, too stressful, too many choices and we wonder why it sees everyone has gone mad.

We have forgotten about the more simpler things in life that have meaning. The other thing I think about is this; take a person from the time era that I had mentioned above and try to imagine what they are thinking if you could place them here today. I know, there would be some things that person would love about today and bring back with them. Things like, electricity, stove, a phone perhaps, a washing machine & dryer. You know the important things that we really need. Now, if you were places in their time era what would you bring back with you? I can just see your expressions now...ah nothing! Why? Too difficult to live back then huh. We have everything we need so what thing would I need in the past to bring back here now. Perhaps. I already said what I would have and that is having a family that respects one another and working together to survive. The kids respected the parents and in return the parents respected their kids. Think about how they entertained themselves.

Anyway, what prompt me to say all this? Well, I was cleaning my room and noticed all this crap in my room that has what dam meaning other than just useless crap. Now, as I was dusting I have a piece of ceramic cats that I have had since I was in 5th grade. And, here I am almost 48. Ya, many moons ago. Why do I have them? Those cats were given to me from a boy that drew my name. He seems to stand out among all my friends when I was younger only because he made me laugh and we often got into trouble that the teacher placed us in the front of the class so she can keep an eye out on us in which really didn't help. I think made him do more stupid things like laughing at the word Amsterdam. Why? Back then we couldn't say DAM! That is my useless crap that I treasure.

1 comment:

The Daily Rant said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I totally agree with you on the whole "crap" subject.

I have to say though, living in an 18 wheeler for the last 10 months has really taught me how to determine the things I really need. Space is limited and crap I don't need just makes it worse. I have pared down everything from clothing to food items and only buy what is needed.

After putting all my things in storage and joining my boyfriend on the road, I realized that I don't even miss those things and probably couldn't list what I have in storage if there were a gun to my head! lol

I like living simply. I spend my money on fun things - eating out, sightseeing, day cruises, rental cars, hotel rooms, concerts, movies, etc. while I'm on the road instead of spending money on crap I don't neeed.

Great post!