
Medical Field

I have a friend that has 2 certificates; Connecticut Certified Nurses Aid and Connecticut Home Health Aid. She just recently lost her job and the reasons are so dam pathetic. First, they wanted her to handle RX and samples of heart medications. She just recently got this job working for a Cardiology Dr. She said she hadn't had the chance to learn some of these RX because after all, there are hundreds of medications out there and the patients are very sick and many had bypasses and now required 20 different medications. First off, she has never worked in a Cardiology office before, and secondly, as I said she had just started in September and they want her to mess around with patients medication? She just wasn't comfortable with it and also she felt she wasn't qualified to do it because of the two certificates she has didn't qualify her to do so. Although, she would have done it but she wanted to learn about these medications. She explained to them that she be happy to take a class on this and get her certificate to do so.

The second thing that they let her go on was the fact she was too caring as they said. My friend is a very compassion person and is very sympathetic of her patients that she deals with. She got scolded for tell one of the patients she was sorry for the loss of her husband that had just recently died. WTF! I am sorry, but, I think they are so out of line here. Why?

Well, I will tell you why as I have heard so many things about the medical field through her and some will just make you scream. First, these people are told not to care. Show no compassion and just do your job. They don't want you to get too personal with the patients. WTF! Why? Money, it boils down to fuckin money. They think they will loose money if they show compassion. Ah, I think whom ever tells them this are one fucked up piece of fuckin meat here. If I had a nurse that showed compassion to what was wrong with me or to family members you bet I am going to tell people to go to that DR's office because they are kind and caring. It is called referrals, and more referrals means more business in which means more money. Dah! I am no rocket scientist here but these people went to college for how many fuckin years and got nothing out of it. Tell me, would you rather have a Dr.'s office have compassion for their patients or be stiff as a board and you feel that they are not connecting to you that you have to go find someone else that seems to have feelings. My DR's. Office nurse always asks how I am, what's new with me, and then goes on to ask what they can do for me. Hello, simple and they have my business.

I think the Medical field needs to revamp their way of thinking. So, this is why my friend got fired for showing compassion and the RX thing. Stupid huh?

Oh, by the way, who's job is it to fill the Rx? To me, it is the Dr.'s responsibility. While many nurses may know of the medication that are being filled it isn't their job to fill out the prescriptions. Okay so she fills it out and has the Dr. Check it. What if he is so busy he just scribbles his name of the Rx and off this patient goes and fills it and it is wrong and the patient has a serious reaction or death. Now, who's fault is it going to be. The nurse and the DR. The nurse isn't the DR here. Are the Dr. getting a little lazy here?


Scottish Toodler said...

WOW! I don't even know where to start. The main thing I want to say is, I am going to put my faith that God/the Universe/Higher Power, however you want to look at it, is just making sure that she is available for a TRULY AWESOME opportunity that must be coming her way... as for the med's, I think it's just as well she got out of there before some mistake was made and she got skewered. F**K them!...and I think in cardiology especially, I just read an article about falsified research in prescription drug companies... Like I said, onward and upward to a place that appreciates her warmth and compassion!!!!

Susan said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. And, the thought at one point I would have gone to that Cardiology should I ever need one I am so glad I know about what goes on in there. Scary huh?

Feena said...

That's so terrible. I work in a doctors' surgery and the way we are with patients is completely the opposite to what that department wants. We did have a similar issue with reception staff putting on new medication from hospital letters but all the letters go to the GPs now for them to add medication to the computer. It's too much of a responsibility to expect anyone else to do it.

How can anyone really be too compassionate and caring? I know it can be difficult and upsetting if you get involved with patients and something happens, but nursing is supposed to be the 'Caring Profession' and I don't see how you can do your job properly without caring. I think someone is in the wrong career if they don't.

In a General Practice we can see the same patients for years and get to know them really well. We even get individual Christmas presents every year off one couple, and lots of tins of sweets and biscuits for us all to share.

Is she doing anything about losing her job, is there anyone she could go to about it and put in a complaint?