

My daughter and her husband went to Puerto Rico last Wednesday to visit his granmother that he hasn't seen in years and introduce my daughter to his family. She called last night to check in. She is having a good time and loves it down there. Weather is warm in the 8Os she says with no humidity. Her main reason of calling is asking me to call the airlines to find out what she needs to do to bring a love bird back home. His Grandmother raises them.

I called the airline and the requirements were just too much as they would have to take the bird to the Vet and then show that the bird is healthy to travel. I told her to forget it. But, being stubborn as she is I bet she will find a way to bring this bird back.

I hope she had the chance to have a heart to heart talk with her husband as he has been a pill lately and needs a good swift kick in the butt.

Now, I am waiting to see if we need to go to JFK and get her today as she will come in at midnight. I hope she can get the person who drove her to the airport to do it. Then, she works tomorrow. She will be so tired. Oh well.


Skye said...

That makes me remember the "I Love Lucy" were Ricky's family came to New York.

Linda said...

I worked with a girl who came from Porto Rico and she went home recently to see her mother on the island. Her mother is an old lady who lives by herself, is very independant and grows her own food. Maybe we all might have to learn these skills if the world keeps going as it is today,lol BTW, did your daughter manage to bring the bird back?

Susan said...

Chatty, no, she can't bring the bird back..too much requirements.

Mise en Place said...

Please, I really think that is the only reason husbands are put here. To be a PILL. Well, that and some rockin' sex, lol.

Just haven't figured out how to get one without the other yet.


Unknown said...

Susan, glad to hear from you. I was beginning to think you were upset with me about something and that is the last thing I want. I love your site and you are so artistic. You remind me of one of my sisters who could make anything out of nothing. She was a painter too.

So, is there going to be chirps in the car tonight when you pick your daughter up? Visiting her Dad's family is a good idea so she will know and understand where her family came from. Hopefully, she won't like it too much.

Neo said...

Dreamz -Yeah the airports are anal about that short of thing with bringing back animals without checks. Hopefully she can figure out something.

Make sure you let us know if she pulls off the great bird caper!