
Whack The Boss

I am taking some things from my other blog or I may have written about this before earlier in case some of you missed it and I think you will find amusing. For those that go out and work I am sure there are plenty of times if you could you would Whack Your Boss. Now, if you work for yourself and annoy yourself at times...go ahead and whack yourself as well!

The fun thing about this is that you can erase what you did and whack him with something else and you win points too. I must remind you that this is violent. Hey, it's you that is violent cause afterall, you want to whack your boss or you.


soonerfan78 said...

I love that game, especially the "ruler through the forehead" death, that was so coll, lol.

Jack said...

The odd thing is (I think), I've actually daydreamed about doing every single one of these things to my boss! (Especially the ruler thing!)

And a couple more that aren't on there!

But it was fun to actually act it out! Thanx!

Skye said...

That was too much fun!{:

soonerfan78 said...

ok, the bar experiment is a go...come on over tomorrow or anytime and bring some of those wonderful brownies, you is invited!!;)

Scottish Toodler said...

I loved this one!!! Thanks for bringing it back!