
What is your Elf Name?

Okay kiddies, it's Christmas time for some fun again...

Christmas Elf Name

My Christmas Elf Name is
Get your Christmas Elf Name at JokesUnlimited.com


Mise en Place said...

Goofy Tum-Tums. I thing that may be close to right.

Linda said...

Mornin' Sue, just making my rounds before going to work (ugggh) but it's the only way I know to make a buck (too old to stand on the corner,lol) I am settling here nicely thanks to all you guys and my brother, go drop a howdy on his blog Lostinthetriangle, you remember him. Take care and have a nice day,

Skye said...


Rocky (Racquel) said...

Looks like we're kin - I'm Pepperminz Bubba-Louie. :-)